Be the Best you can Be! London Inspiring, Engaging and Empowering Young Londoners.


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Presentation transcript:

Be the Best you can Be! London Inspiring, Engaging and Empowering Young Londoners

Mayors Fund for London Helping young Londoners grow

The Mayors Fund for London and 21 st Century Legacy working together to inspire, engage and empower Young Londoners to reach their potential..

The link between pupil health and well-being and attainment.. ‘promoting physical and mental health in schools creates a virtuous circle reinforcing children’s attainment and achievement that in turn improves their well-being, enabling children to thrive and fulfil their potential…’ Nov 2014

Key findings of the NAHT & PHE Report Pupils with better health and wellbeing are likely to achieve better academically. Effective social and emotional competencies are associated with greater health and wellbeing, and better achievement. The culture, ethos and environment of a school influences the health and wellbeing of pupils and their readiness to learn. A positive association exists between academic attainment and physical activity levels of pupils.

An Educational Legacy – going beyond sport, to help young Londoners to fulfil their potential

Dr David Hemery CBE Olympian and Gold medallist 1968 Founder and Co-Director of the Educational Charity, 21 st Century Legacy Co-author of ‘Be the Best they can Be!’ Enhanced Coaching/Facilitation and Self-managed Leadership in Education

The ‘Be the Best you can Be!’ programme is based on best educational practice and draws on David’s 30 years of teaching and Management Development experience in coaching/mentoring/facilitation and self-managed leadership Coaching is the ‘How to’ of Self-Empowerment, by asking questions that generate thought and self-responsibility

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (half day or full day) of coaching sessions delivered to all staff by a 21CL coach. A half day programme launch at your school with a Special Speaker (all of whom are high achievers, including but not limited to Olympians and Paralympians) who will deliver a whole school assembly and spend the morning at your school. A wide range of resources including a teacher guide, an online personal development plan for each student, work books for KS3 and KS4 pupils and support from the 21 st Century Legacy team. You will receive baseline and endpoint assessments to track the ‘distance travelled’ by students participating on the programme and to provide data and evidence for Ofsted and your SIP (School improvement plan). An optional ‘Celebration Event’ is available to schools to recognise the efforts and achievements of the students and teachers involved at an extra cost to the school.

The Half Day “Coaching” Session How to improve teaching and learning A 3-4 hour focus on coaching strategies How to coach through asking questions How to listen to the answer, and ask questions which are driven by the answer- effective feedback How to increase self awareness of one’s strengths/weaknesses, and what you need to do next. How to increase self responsibility in terms of understanding why you are doing something, how much does it matter? Understanding what you need to step out of your comfort zone. Understanding the importance of helping each other. Resilience SMART goals GROW model

Inspiration- Programme Launch A high-achieving Special Speaker will visit your school to launch the programme for staff and students. They highlight the need for setting goals, resilience, hard work, and finding and listening to supporters.

Programme Launch Programme Launch at Tweeddale Primary School, Carshalton with Hannah Beharry

Be the Best you can Be! is a ‘whole school approach’ to raising aspirations and attainment… National Curriculum Progress & Achievement Behaviour Parental Engagement Governors

The vehicle in school for this Programme is usually P.S.H.E. Students make dream books following a scheme of work and themes Theme 1- A Special Speaker Theme 2- Vision and Goals ( SMART) Theme 3- Values Theme 4- Questioning and Listening Theme 5- Comfort Zones and Resilience Theme 6- Body, Mind, Emotion, Spirit Theme 7- Reflection and Celebration Every teacher receives: Teacher’s Guide a Support Guide and worksheets can be downloaded from the website

Making it relevant to everyone- ’whole school approach’ PSHE teacher - sorted Maths Teacher – ? Teaching Assistants - ? Lunch time supervisors - ?

Learning Outcomes for students.. A Holistic Approach Personalised Learning Thinking Self-Aware Independent Resilient Engaged Motivated Committed Responsible Confident – filled with self belief

Having a structured conversation is the key to unlocking learning (links with Achievement for All and P.E.P) What books do you want to be able to read? Have you got a plan B? By what time? What would be the best way for you? Who can help you? What might stop you? What is your first step? The answers have to be SMART 5 sub level increase in 3 months

Be the Best You Can Be- putting every child at the centre Teacher Coaching Self Coaching Peer Coaching A P.E.P for every child

Silent coaching with the whole class What is your goal in Maths/English/History/Science/P.E.? What is happening now? Out of 10 how much do you want to achieve this goal? By what time do you want to achieve it? What do you need to do to achieve it? What else could you do? What qualities are you going to need to be successful? What might stop you from achieving your goal? Who can help you? What can they do to help you? If you had a friend who had this problem, what advice would you give them? How will you know when you have achieved your goal? What would it feel like if you didn’t succeed? What will it feel like when you do achieve your goal?

Using the GROW Model as a lesson plan The G.R.O.W. Model G = Goals R = Realities O = Options W = Will The “Outstanding” lesson Model What are my goals? Children and teacher negotiate targets. What are the realities? Self assessment,peer assessment and teacher assessment gives them the answer to the question “What do I already know?” and ”What do I need to know next?” What are my options? The child and the teacher work out and agree a success criteria which enables learning to take place. These are the steps needed for progress to take place. The children complete the actions that they have agreed which are necessary to achieve the success criteria. At the end of the lesson the children go back to the new reality and the new goals ready for the next lesson.

Ofsted Approved Looking at what goes in, but more at what comes out KEY INDICATORS/OUTCOMES Aware Independent Resilient Engaged Responsible Confident PROGRESS and ACHIEVEMENT Focussed Positive Purposeful From an Ofsted Inspection Report on a school in Staffordshire, “They have been highly effective in raising pupils’ aspirations by working with the school to increase ambition….in particular, to set ambitious goals as part of the Be the Best you can Be Programme”

Wider Outcomes and Opportunities the whole school Level 1 The students are inspired, engaged, empowered. The teacher can work through the programme in PSHE. The students make dream books, and this work can be ongoing. Level 2 Apply elements of the Programme across the curriculum into every lesson (Progress and Achievement) Level 3 Create a school culture (everyone shares the same child centred principles and the school is built upon these). Increase parental involvement

Well-being measure Tracking the ‘distance travelled’.. Self-esteem Emotional well-being Resilience Satisfaction with community Satisfaction with school Life satisfaction

Programme costs ‘Be the Best you can Be’ normally costs schools £1500 For eligible schools (with 22% FSM), the Mayors Fund for London covers half of the costs so the programme costs £750

Case- study, Morden Mount Primary School, Greenwich “We couldn’t have picked a better or more inspiring or timely project for Morden Mount than ‘Be the Best you Can Be’ – the message said it all for a ‘Cinderella’ school in serious weaknesses that serves a very challenging area and had always bumped along the bottom of league tables. Hannah Beharry, World Boxing Champion, was amazing – motivating the children to aim high and challenge stereotypes to achieve their goals and dreams. Staff also really appreciated the training in life coaching – some Teaching Assistants saying it was the best INSET they had ever had – and I can see its influence in the way they talk to and encourage pupils in lessons. The children have achieved great results and Morden Mount is now Good with Outstanding features!” Briony Brammer, Head Teacher Morden Mount Primary School, Greenwich