Rome, February 14, 2013 Status of the Project Report on the first year activities With the support of the Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security-related Risks Programme European Commission - Directorate-General Home Affairs
1) The SWING Project (Bianchi, Lozito) 2) Network topology (Bianchi, Lozito,Abrardo) 3) Identification of the CGAs and ECIs (Bianchi, Lozito) 4) Early warning alert (Cuccoli) 5) Characterization of the HF channel (Saverino) 6) Design of the MAC protocols (Abrardo) 7) Design of the PHY algorithms (Morelli) Outline
Criteria of early warning alert and the procedures to activate and to deactivate the back-up network operating in the high-frequency (HF) band Early warning alert Description of the scenario. Supervision of the Internet links. Reactivation of the Internet links.
Early warning alert Description of the scenario. Most Reasonable ScenarioWorst Case Analysis
As soon one of the ECIs detects an Internet fault, it transmits an alert signal to the controlling CGA using the SWING HF link. The CGA must decide whether the Internet failure is limited only to the ECI which launched the alert message or other ECIs and/or CGAs are launching similar alert messages on the SWING system. In the former case the CGA decides that the fault is a local event and establishes an HF link only with the ECI which is experiencing the Internet fault. In the latter case, the CGA decides that a terrorist attack is ongoing and the overall SWING network is activated to establish HF links among all CGAs and ECIs. Early warning alert Procedure:
Early warning alert Supervision of the Internet links. the reference scenario for each ECI/CGA site NMS= NETWORK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
Early warning alert Supervision of the Internet links. The network management infrastructure could consist of the following components: - SNMP (Single Network Management Protocol) agent on each CGA/ECI egress router to the Internet and, if possible, on each CGA/ECI - NMS on each CGA/ECI - NMSs hierarchically structured in two levels: Level 0: CGA NMSs Level 1: ECI NMSs Nagios (a powerful monitoring system that enables organizations to identify and resolve IT infrastructure problems before they affect critical business processes) deployment could be quite straightforward in the SWING scenario thanks to its adaptability to distributed system case
Early warning alert Supervision of the Internet links. NAGIOS Architecture NCSA= Nagios Service Check Acceptor OCSP= obsessive compulsive service processor
Early warning alert Reactivation of the Internet links. the reactivation of the traditional Internet links and the consequent interruption of the HF links cannot be directly operated by any ECI, but they should be controlled by the interested CGA A CGA that experiences a resurgence of its Internet connection just needs to transmits a message to the other CGAs, notifying that its normal operational status has been restored and to switch from the HF link to the restored broadband Internet connection.