Review What do we call any shape with 4 sides?
A quadrilateral “quad” means 4 “lateral” means side
Does a quadrilateral have more sides or more angles?
A quadrilateral has 4 sides and 4 angles!
What kind of angles does a square have?
Right Angles, 4 of them
Are these lines parallel?
Yes! Remember, parallel lines are lines in a plane that are always the same distance apart. Example: Gymnasts use parallel bars
How many pairs of parallel lines in this regular hexagon?
3 pairs of parallel lines
How many parallel lines on a triangle?
There are no parallel lines on a triangle!
Work with your group: Use the rulers and the geo- dot paper on your desks to draw as many different quadrilaterals as you can in 5 minutes. Label and cut your quadrilaterals out.
A Closer Look at Quadrilaterals: Parallelograms Use what you have learned today about parallelograms to label and describe each shape. Include the reasons why the arrows are drawn as they are. On the back: Draw and label at least one quadrilateral that is not on this chart, and tell why it was not included here.
Term parallelogram My understanding Score how well you understand parallelograms today. My Definition D efine parallelogram in your own words. Samples Draw sample parallelograms in this space Non-Samples Draw polygons that are not parallelograms in this space. My Reflections Think about what you have learned today and record it here. Notes to self: Use this space to write any additional things you have noticed or want to remember.
Academic Vocabulary Template Term: parallelogram Our understanding Our Definition: A parallelogram is a shape with 4 sides where the opposite sides are parallel and congruent. Examples: Non Examples Our Reflections Notes to self:
Academic Vocabulary Template Term: Trapezium Our understanding Our Definition: A trapezium is a quadrilateral with no parallel sides. Examples: Non Examples Our Reflections