Hieroglyphics EGYPTIAN WRITING Hieroglyphs is made from 2 Greek words. 1.Hieros meaning holy. 2. Glyphe meaning writing.
THE CONFUSING STUFF!!! Hieroglyphs emerged from the preliterate artistie traditions of Egypt. For example symbols or gerzean pottery fomcirca 4000 b c resemble hieroglyphic writing. Writing for many years the earliest known hieroglyphic inscription was the marmer palette found during excavations at hieroglyphs modern kawm al-ahmar the wood hieroglyph oomes from the Greek adjective iEpoy9u01ika` [not correct spelling]
Rosetta stone The rosetta stone was a stone that helped us understand egyptian Hieroglyphs when the last temple was closed in the 6th century A.D the skill of reading hieroglyphs was lost until the discovery of the stone in On the stone are three scripts. The bottom section is in greek centre in demotic, and the top is in hieroglyphs. French arcaeologist jean - francois champollion spent many years deciphering the symbols on a slab of basalt found at rosetta in the western delta.His work on the rosetta stone as it is now called was an important breakthrough in the translation of ancient hieroglyphics.