CHRTAS – Training Coordinators Starting Point for Training Coordinators
View Supervisor Pending Applications
CHRTAS – Training Coordinators Click “View Supervisor Pending Applications” to resend email to Supervisor.
Supervisor Pending Applications Query Select a Training Type. If you select Civilian Education System (CES), the display will refresh to show what appears on the next slide.
Supervisor Pending Applications Query Looking for somebody specific, just enter their last name. Recommend you limit the “Supervisor Pending Applications” query to one Course at a time.
Supervisor Pending Applications Query Select the CES Course, select your Organization/Command, and then click “Search”.
Query Results – CES Basic The query results list all Supervisor Pending Applications for AMC Applicants or CES Basic for FY08 and 09 classes.
Click on the Student’s name to open their Application. Query Results – CES Basic Page 1 of the results for all Basic Course Pending Supervisor Applications. Click on the Student’s name to open their Application.
Application Opened for Review
Query Results – CES Basic Clicking on the FY or School Code allows you to open up the email notification that can be resent to the Supervisor.
Resend Email to Supervisor This allows the Training Coordinator to resend the email to the Supervisor, that was originally sent when his/her subordinate submitted their training application.
Resend Email to Supervisor This is an example of comments added to the start of the email. You may add additional comments anywhere in the email that will be sent to the Supervisor.
Resend Email to Supervisor Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the email above are the most important part of the email the Supervisor is sent. It requires the Supervisor to read and follow each of these steps. Only then will they be able to access the Application to review and approve.
Supervisor Pending Applications If the Supervisor has not approved or disapproved their subordinate’s CES Training Application within 7 calendar days after it has been submitted, the following takes place- CHRTAS automatically sends an email to the Supervisor remaining them that the Application is still pending. The same email provides them with the instructions that were provided in the original email. At the same time, CHRTAS sends an email to the Applicant. In addition to advising them their Supervisor has been advised, they are asked to review the Supervisor email address entered in their profile. Instructions on how to correct are also provided in that email. If the application is still Supervisor pending 14, 21, and 28 days after it was submitted, the same emails are sent to the Supervisor and Applicant. At this time the System does not automatically cancel Supervisor Pending Applications.
Applicant’s Resending Email to Supervisor
Applicants– Resend Approval Request Email
Resend Approval Email to Supervisor Before Applicant resends the email to his/her Supervisor, they should ensure they have correctly entered their Supervisor’s email address in their CHRTAS Profile. To do this, they can click on “Nominating Supervisor”. This will open a new email and show the Supervisor email address entered in their profile.
Reviewing Supervisor Email Address Is this your Supervisor’s correct email address? Once you have decided if this email address is correct or incorrect, you can close this email without sending it.
Applicant’s CHRTAS Profile If Supervisor email address is incorrect, applicant needs to access their CHRTAS Profile and go to the bottom of their profile to the “Nominating Supervisor’s Contact Info:” section and correct their Supervisor’s email address. After the correction has been made, they must click “Create/Update CHRTAS Record”. After they have updated their profile, they Should return to “Resend Approval Request Email”.
CES Course/Equivalency Credit
CES Course Credit Guidance This information is available on CHRTAS to the general public. Logon (CAC, etc.) is not required to access.
Email Sent to Individuals Granted Course Credit by TRADOC/G-3 This email gets sent after Course Credit is posted in ATRRS by G-3 CLD. Wording/content reflected in email above? Send Courtesy Copy (Cc) to Training Coordinators?
This information is available on CHRTAS after user logons (CAC, etc.). CES Course Credit Guidance This information is available on CHRTAS after user logons (CAC, etc.).
Continuation of Previous Screen CES Course Credit Continuation of Previous Screen Click on Course Number/Title and the G-3 CES Course Credit MFR will appear as a printable PDF document. He was send individual emails, one for each CES Course Credit he was granted.
G-3 CES Course Credit MFR This Course Credit also appears on the individual’s Training History in AKO.
FY08- Average number posted in ATRRS each week is ’17’.
Training Requirements Review CES Training Requirements and Print dL Certificate
Review CES Training Requirements
CES DL Certificate Date shown on Certificate is the same date that appears on the “CES Training Course Requirements” screen.
Training Coordinators – Training Applications Reviewing Pending Training Applications
Training Coordinator- Reviewing Pending Applications Click “ATRRS Training History” to review the Applicant’s training history (‘RS’ Function).
ATRRS Training History
Training Coordinator- Reviewing Pending Applications Click “View Quotas” to view how many quotas have been allocated in this class and to whom. In addition, “View Quotas” will identify the number of reservations and/or waits you have made in this class. Additionally, you can use “View Quotas” to determine if the Class is full.
View Class Quotas
Training Coordinator- Reviewing Pending Applications Click “View Entire Schedule” to view all the future scheduled classes for this Course. If classes are scheduled over a 2 FY period, it will show classes for both FYs. This option has a lot of value, if class applicant applied for is already full. Opening the entire future schedule allows you to place applicant in a different class.
Opening Display for Entire Schedule Locations Course is taught, TDY cost estimates, method of travel, Class full (Yes or No), and date next class starts. By clicking the icon on the far right of each Class Location record, you will have visibly of all the future classes.
Reviewing How the Cost Estimates Were Calculated Click Here Click on a TDY Cost estimate and you will get a display that shows how the cost estimates were calculated.
From “Class 007” to “Class 006”. Reviewing All Ft Leavenworth Classes Click Here Click the “S” to switch the Class number on the Applicant’s application From “Class 007” to “Class 006”.
Applicant Applied for Class 007, But Was Switched(S) to Class 006 You have changed the Class Number on the Application, but maybe now you want to change it back to the original Class Number- Click “Reset Values”.
Reset Class Number Back to the Original Value
When Can An Applicant Apply for CES Phase 2 Classes? If according to ATRRS they have not completed Phase 1 (dL)- They will be able to apply for Phase 2 classes starting 120 or more days in the future. If they complete Phase 1 (dL) and the completion date recorded in ATRRS is less than 180 days prior to the date they access CHRTAS- They will be able to apply for Phase 2 classes starting 30 or more days in the future. 3. If they complete Phase 1 (dL) and the completion date recorded in ATRRS is greater than 180 days prior to the date they access CHRTAS- They will be able to apply for Phase 2 classes starting 60 or more days in the future.