IMPORTANCE Important links- connecting tissues Fit between business strategy, structure, culture and the larger environment.
WHAT IT DEALS WITH? PartnershipsAlliances Mergers and Acquisitions
INTEGRATED STRATEGIC CHANGE Business Strategies and Organizational Systems go hand-in-hand. Manage transition from Current to Future Strategy Makes Value-Added contribution
External Forces Internal Forces Competition Laws and regulations Strategy modifications New technologies New equipment Labor market shifts New processes Business cycles Workforce composition Social change Job restructuring Competitor Strategy Compensation and benefits Labor surpluses and shortages Employee attitude
Steps in strategic change Strategic AnalysisStrategy MakingStrategy Change PlanImplementation
TRANS ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT Helps in Alliances, Partnerships and Joint ventures. Recognition of needs.
MERGER AND ACQUISITION INTEGRATION Assisting in forming a new entity. Address key strategic leadership and cultural issues.
CULTURE CHANGE Behaviors, Values, Beliefs. Strong Organization Culture.
SELF-DESIGNING ORGANIZATIONS Alter oneself fundamentally. Highly participative. Design and implement own strategic changes
ORGANIZATION LEARNING & KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Organization Learning: Acquire and develop new knowledge. Knowledge Management: How and where to use it. Capable of continuous improvement.