MATS/LaSpec Status report Alexander Herlert FAIR GmbH on behalf of the MATS and LaSpec Collaborations Thanks to W. Nörtershäuser, D. Rodríguez, P. Campell, I. Moore, and G. Neyens for providing slides/material NuSTAR Week 2011, Bucharest, October 17-21, 2011
Precise Measurements on very short- lived nuclei using an Advanced Trapping System Laser Spectroscopy on very short- lived nuclei 10 countries, 24 institutes, 87 members 8 countries, 13 institutes, 34 members
RFQ cooler & buncher MR-TOF MATS EBIT Laser Spectroscopy Dipole magnet Gas cell for more information see: Technical Design Report of MATS & LaSpec: D. Rodriguez, K. Blaum, W. Nörtershäuser et al.EPJ Special Topics 183 (2010) 1-123
Technical Design Report of MATS & LaSpec: D. Rodriguez, K. Blaum, W. Nörtershäuser et al.EPJ Special Topics 183 (2010) RFQ: JYFL ß-NMR: Leuven Collinear Ion Beamline: Manchester Collinear Atom Beamline + Optical Pumping: Mainz
Turbo Simulation results: Emittance ~6 π mm mrad, Δ E~ 3 eV, δ T ~3 s for 2 keV pulse of ejected 133 Cs + when using buffer gas at 80 K. 80% injection efficiency, when assuming parallel beam d=4 mm, (40 kV) before deceleration Electrode design similar to ISCOOL Valve Deceleration QP deflector +einzel Insulator Turbo Valve Mini RFQ RFQ trap He in (0.04 mbar) Drift tube & acceleration Turbo
Mass measurements have been already performed Important work going on the ion source (helios) in order to make practicable more elements from the californium source K. Blaum, W. Nörtershäuser et al (MPIK)
common beamline Recently added: RFQ cooler and buncher (COLETTE)
Status of the LASPEC Prototype at the TRIGA-Reactor in Mainz D. Lunney, NIM A598 (2009) beam diagnostics for MATS and LASPEC (MCP and imaging optics for beam profile control) build and testing laser spectroscopy on praseodymium (preparatory work under realistic conditions for on-line runs, e.g. at ISOLDE) successfully tested RFQ cooler and buncher (in preparation for on-line coupling to the reactor) currently comissioning ISOLDE, CERN TRIGA, Mainz Titelmasterformat durch Klicken bearbeiten Laser Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Ions and Exotic Radioactive Nuclei Status of the LASPEC Prototype at the TRIGA-Reactor in Mainz
Optical pumping & Conetraps P. Reinhed et al., NIM A621 (2010) 83 -Use intra cooler optical pumping to selectively populate desired ionic state -Greatly enhanced efficiencies and spectroscopic access to previously “impossible” elements -Can be used in electrostatic traps which double as “energy elevators” in LaSpec
A new optical detection region for Collinear Laser Spectroscopy Optical detection efficiency improved by factor 10 + background photon detection reduced by 50% ! 100 mm Ø aspheric lenses Electron Tubes 9658B 2” PMT, S20 IR sensitive photocathode Laser / K beam detected region Simulated efficiency of new and previous set-up: gain ≈ 14x Mark Bissell et al., NIM, in preparation (Design: M.L. Bissell, K.U. Leuven, Belgium) Use refrigerant circulator FP40-MC to cool photocathode to -30 C via Cu heat exchanger.
Experimental sequence for MATS Gas catcher RFQ buncher MR-TOF- MS Preparation Penning trap EBIT Measurement Penning trap Detector trap
MR-TOF-MS (UGießen) mbar Kinetic Energy 1.5 keV Curved RFQs Differential Pumping Section Injection Trap System Time-of-Flight Analyzer mbar mbar Energy Buncher Ion Gate Isochronous SEM Post-Analyzer Reflector Gate Detectors Internal Ion Source mbar Ions Separated Ions Mass Measurement Aux. Detector 133 Cs + 12 ms TOF Mass resolving power (FWHM) m/ m = 100,000 (5 ms TOF) Isobar separation Demonstrated for C 6 H 6 and 13 C 12 C 5 H 5 (Intensity ratio 170:1, m = 4 MeV) Ion capacity > 10 4 per cycle and >10 6 per second W. R. Plass et al
MR-TOF-MS was commissioned successfully at the FRS Ion Catcher in the S411 experiment ( )! (See talk by H. Geissel) W.R. Plaß et al., GSI Scientific Report 2010, p. 137 (2011)
1.High electron current up to 2000 mA. 2.High ion densities: 10 6 to ions/cm 3 6 keV, 2 A electron beam. Current density 1400 A/cm 2, background pressure mbar (H 2 ), ion temperature 300 eV. The calculation includes radiative recombination and charge exchange. EBIT (MPIK Heidelberg) (Courtesy of J.R. Crespo) (EBIT at TRIUMF) J. R. Crespo et al (MPIK)
Penning traps (UGW, MPIK Heidelberg, GSI, UGR) (Courtesy of J.R. Crespo) Study of the injection of ions into the field of a 12 T Magnet (UGW) Design of an alignment support for the trap (UGW) (Superconducting magnet at UGW ) (L. Schweikhard, G. Marx et al)
Ion detection for the Penning traps (UGR, MPIK, UGW) 1.Cryogenic environment and UHV. 2.Broad-band mass identification Detection in the preparation Penning trap The detection in the measurement Penning trap: FT-ICR for single ion sensitivity C. Weber PhD Thesis (UM) R. Ferrer, PhD Thesis (UM) Amplifier in vacuum (UGR) D. Rodríguez et al Amplifier in air (UGR) Coil for single ion Detection (UGR) Technical drawing of the setup at UGR for FT-ICR tests J. M. Cornejo, Master thesis (UGR)
The Detector Trap (LMU Munich) mock-up: detector carrier boards between trap electrodes cryotest: lN 2 temperature, selection of groove dimensions Characteristics: Replace inner Penning trap electrode by cubic setup of 4 Si-strip detectors Use detector bias for trapping potential Penning trap electrodes : Detector dimensions given by: space in magnet bore, required position resolution, efficiency optimization Detectors need to comply with UHV and cryogenic conditions strip detector (P. Thirolf et al) Developments also carried out at PNPI An funding has been received
Off-line ion source (PNPI) Y. Nu. Novikiov et al
Funding ID (Preconstruction-MoU)
Status and perspectives FAIR will offer unique opportunities with RIB MATS & LaSpec will incorporate the most advanced technical developments on ion traps, lasers and beam preparation The Technical Design Report was approved in May 2010 Several groups have received funding to start the construction of the different components A large number of laser and Penning trap setups at different European institutes, universities and RIB facilities can be used for developing very advanced components (MPI-K, JYFL, ISOLDE, KVI, GSI, TRIGA, UGR, UGW, UG, SPIRAL2...) MATS can be tested and can be ready before FAIR is in operation Unfortunately, the first stage of the modularized start version of FAIR does not include the low energy beam line where MATS & LaSpec will be placed