Michael Cole Jacquie Criger
Not ‘one more thing to do’ on an already crowded plate Using the information from this session fits Danielson’s Frameworks for Teachers
DOMAIN 1: Planning & Preparation DESIGN for Learning Component Component Id: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources Resources for teaching Resources for students
DOMAIN 3: Instruction ENGAGEMENT in the Classroom Component 3c Engaging Students in Learning Representation of content Activities and assignments Grouping of students Instructional materials and resources Structure and pacing
DOMAIN 4: Professional Responsibilities REFLECTION on Teaching Component 4e: Growing and Developing Professionally Enhancement of content knowledge and pedagogical skill Service to the profession
Common Themes Equity Cultural Competence High Expectations Developmental Appropriateness Attention to Individual Students Appropriate Use of Technology Student Assumption of Responsibilities
Focus on remediation of students with reading disabilities The Matthew Effect Rich get richer and the poor get poorer Curriculum progresses Students are left behind Focus continues on remediation of skills rather than curriculum Want to continue remediation Have to decide when to look at compensation
AIM “It’s complicated…” IDEA 2004 NIMAS files No Child Left Behind Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act Frequently discussed as part of Universal Design for Learning
Formats include: Braille Large print Audio files Digital texts Not just textbooks online
Students who have print disabilities in order to meet the requirements of FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education) Such formats are provided to students when they are unable to access the traditional print based curriculum (Hohulin, 2011)
A person certified in the area of disabilities who can competently verify a print disability. School professionals School psychologist, special education teacher, or teacher of the visually impaired (Bookshare.org) A medical professional physical therapist, doctor, ophthalmologist, or clinical psychologist (Bookshare.org)
44% of 4th graders and 27% of 8th graders were reading below basic level (2007 report card) Simulation of reading disabilitiesSimulation of reading disabilities
35% of US and 25% of British Entrepreneurs are dyslexic (DeCoste, 2010) Learning to Read – K-3rd Reading to Learn – 4th grade and beyond But, what if a student can’t read it??
Digital Text Static Text Dynamic Flexible Malleable Searchable Portable New features to match 21st Century reading Non-linear Multi-media Interactive One dimensional Unchangeable Inaccessible for some ‘Unforgiving’ A traditional view of reading
Use with supported reading software (SRS) Convert text files to audio file (MP3) Imbed text supports Use adaptive computer access to turn pages, "hold" book Magnify text Change colors Embed audio and video supports Embed Hyperlinks to additional scaffolds or content
E-Text From Internet, MS Word docs, Text in PowerPoint Can use SRS with that, copy and paste etc Digital Talking Book (DTB) NIMAS Daisy Format Graphics are tagged Hover over it and hear what the graphic is Bookmarking is easier Can be read with text reader software
Commercial Digital Text o May have supports built in o Created by other publishers and other sources o Available for purchase or the Internet o Proprietary format o Cannot usually be read with Text reader software o May be just an audio recording
Benefit students with poor decoding abilities Benefit students with good auditory comprehension Not as beneficial to those with poor listening comprehension
Training required for teacher and student Time to work with the support, apart from assignments with high cognitive loads Learn the software (or device) when the user is not struggling with content Once the student is comfortable with the support…THEN, use it to access content Access to computers or other players may be an issue
Bookshare.org o Must have identified print disability o A person who cannot effectively read print because of a visual, physical, perceptual, developmental, cognitive, or learning disability (George Kerscher, ) o Copyright issues o Download textbooks individually for students
Infinitext o Subscription o For students with identified print disabilities Project Gutenberg o Free books expired copyright Public Domain
Learning Ally (formerly RFB&D) o Must have a certifying professional determine a print disability Audio.com