Mobile Computing: Wireless Mesh and Sensor Networks Thomas Kunz Professor and Director Technology Innovation Management Program Carleton University
Slide Kunz Mobile Computing Group at Carleton,Facilitate the development of innovative next-generation mobile applications on resource-constraint, mobile devices,Develop the required network architectures (MANETs, wireless mesh networks, wireless sensor networks),Research into network protocols (MAC, routing, Mobile IP, QoS support, transport), and middleware/runtime support
Slide Kunz Wireless Mesh Networks (Microsoft Research Video Clip)
Slide Kunz Wireless Mesh Testbed
Slide Kunz Wireless Mesh Testbed (cont),Mesh routers: IXP 425 based nodes with two radios –Provide local footprint/soft AP functionality to clients over one radio –Use second radio for building IPv6 based mesh: OLSR routing protocol with QoS extensions,Mesh testbed built with close collaboration from one small Ottawa startup,Some routing work licensed to another Ottawa company and being productized in their Adaptive Intelligent Router offering
Slide Kunz Current Wireless Mesh Research,Capacity and Fairness: –WMN shared resource for all users –WMN have finite (and rather limited) capacity to support a number of users –Goal: maximize utilization of network while providing “fair” access to all users,Analytical performance bounds,Distributed algorithms/protocols,Definition of “Fairness”,Tradeoff Fairness vs. Utilization,Generating Routing Protocols “automatically” using Generative Programming approach: GP-Pro,Network Management for Dynamic Networks –Maritime Network: Policy-based Network Management
Slide Kunz (Wireless) Sensor Networks (Scenario developed by RUNES project:
Slide Kunz WSN Research,Developed new localization and clock synchronization algorithms,Currently setting up a WSN testbed (jointly with Prof. St-Hilaire),Ongoing research: –Evaluate above algorithms in testbed, extend them –Capacity in multi-hop wireless networks (network coding) –Security: bootstrapping trust without prior configuration –Application-oriented overlay networks,XML Aware Wired Networks/World Wide Sensor Web –Model, discover, and interact with distributed sensors based on XML standards –efficient distribution of different information derived from the sensors to various interested parties (first responders, airport authorities, etc.): content-based routing –combine/fuse data derived from different sites
Slide Kunz SENECA: Sensor Networks for Canada,Proposed NSERC Strategic Network –7 Canada Research Chairs, 3 other researchers from UQO, University of Ottawa, University of Sherbrooke, Ecole Polytechnique, Carleton University, ISMER, Concordia –Partners: End users (CATSA, CBSA, EC), manufacturers (Fiso, Biophage Pharma, Enablence, IR Photonics, ….) –Goal: Hybrid integration of photonics-based sensors and wireless networking –Structured around three themes,Application-specific Sensor Communication and Integration Technologies,Application-Specific Photonic Devices and Subsystems,Enabling Photonic Materials, Fibers and Processing Technologies –Selected Applications for Wide Area Photonic and Wireless Sensing,remote detection of explosive materials and biological hazards,measure nutrient and contaminant concentrations in water,geo-fencing solutions to protect critical infrastructure
Slide Kunz Prof. St.-Hilaire: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN),Research in planning algorithms (both static & dynamic) –How to design new WSN in a cost effective way –How to update an existing WSN infrastructure –Organisation (re-organisation) of the nodes to maximize the life time of the network,Research on network protocols –Routing scheme with different objectives,Save energy, minimise delay or combination,Re-organise the route in case of node/link failure –Correlation of events both in space and time,Clock synchronisation,Localization algorithm
Slide Kunz Prof. St.-Hilaire: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN),Research on data association –How to follow multiple moving targets such as in military applications, border defence and so on.,Research on data aggregation/fusion –Aggregate data in order to save bandwidth, computing resources, battery life, etc.