Created by: Daniel Hernandez & Bianca Williams
Residential Elevators Inc. is a company who’s mission is “Elevating your standard of living”. Our goal ◦ To present REI to a construction developer called KB Homes. ◦ To receive a partnership with KB Homes and help provide a better, safe, and high quality product/service. Presentation/Approach Role Play Follow up
The company began in Believes people deserve the highest level of service and quality. In 1993 it focused specifically on residential elevators. #1 Home Elevator company since 1986 (…27 years & counting). Has acquired four companies in recent years.
The company was formed in Core-value ◦ Provide quality homes and outstanding customer service. Designs based on more than 50 years of experience. First large builder in the U.S. to implement the National Housing Quality program’s.
Their core Value. Their in-house team of more than 25 architects and home designers Built to Order TM Process Build with dependable materials and implement a building process that features a number of checkpoints and inspections. Homes are build for energy efficiency
Call in to make a personal appointment Approach ◦ Introductory Approach ◦ Complimentary Approach ◦ Product and Technology Approach Use of FAB’s Talk about a research and marketing plan Explain business proposition Then ask for partnership
A LINE THAT COULD BE USED IN THE ROLE PLAY! POSSIBLE WORD REVISION… ◦ “Give REI the opportunity to earn your business. You have my personal guarantee of satisfaction. Thanks again for considering REI.”
"KB HOME COMMUNITIES IN SOUTHWEST FLORIDA." New Home Builders In Your Area. homes-southwest-florida/home (accessed April 20, 2014). "Residential Elevator Buyer's Guide." Residential Elevators Inc. (accessed March 27, 2014). "Residential Elevators." Residential Elevators Inc. (accessed March 27, 2014). "Why choose Residental Elevators for your home elevator installation?." Your Residential Home Elevator Company. (accessed March 27, 2014).