German Programmes for teachers and high school students Sascha Marc Schmeling Scandinavian Teachers‘ Programme Review June 19th, 2013
Overview Different Programmes GTP – The Basis High School Students‘ Programmes Netzwerk Teilchenwelt Miscellaneous Work with Students (and individual teachers) Material Some Conclusions
Standard Programme up to 36 participants state endorsed in several states Sunday Evening until Friday Lunchtime Lectures CERN Introduction Particle Physics Particle Detectors Particle Accelerators Antimatter Cosmology Applications in IT and Medicine National Resources Curriculae Visits PS/Linac2/AD SM18 2 LHC Experiments Computer Centre Workshops Teachers Lab Cloud Chambers Programme outside Visit of German Permanent Representation Treasure Hunt Cheese Fondue GTP Programme Format
GTP German Teacher Programmes 2013 March ( ) Nationwide, also together with Netzwerk Teilchenwelt May ( ) Nationwide, 20 Bavarians Oktober ( ) Nationwide, 10 Saxonians Oktober ( ) Nationwide, also together with Netzwerk Teilchenwelt Additional programmes planned in Germany Additional programmes planned with and/or in the state of NRW, following the inclusion of particle physics in the curriculum
German Programme Participants
School Programmes and Visits Internatsschule Schloß Hansenberg April Participants, 11 different placements 19. April-2. Mai Participants, 8 different placements April Participants, 10 different placements Mai Participants, 8 different placements April Participants 14 different placement possibilities April Participants 15 different placement possibilities Visits Programmes Netzwerk Teilchenwelt Workshops Lectures Masterclasses Workshops bisher November 2010 June and November 2011 June and November 2012 several different schools Multi-day Programmes extended Visits Masterclasses Workshops Sascha Schmeling6
Netzwerk Teilchenwelt German Network on Particle Physics Education and Outreach funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research EPPCN Sascha Schmeling on behalf of
1.Who we are and what we do 2.Our Activities 3.Organisational structure 4.Communication 5.Network and users‘ community 6.Ideas for the future
We are… … a German Network of scientists (astro-)particle physics students aged teachers/trainers at schools, school labs, science centres, etc. in direkt contact to CERN
We … work with students and teachers to bring modern research to the classroom offer programmes in particle physics and astroparticle physics offer young scientists the chance and knowledge to improve their communication skills
Our Concept 4 programme levels Basic: introduction to particle physics Qualification: participants organize own projects Strengthening the experience: workshops at CERN Research Projects: at research institutes (CERN & DESY) 4 central elements local projects all over Germany throughout the year workshops at CERN development of context material scientific evaluation students & teachers particle physics and cosmic projects
Activities 2010 / 2011 / 2012 Research Projects CERN Qualification Basic studentsteachers/trainers Research projects 0/0/0 Workshops 25/50/48 Participants’ Projects - Organisation national Masterclasses: 40/120/120 - Cosmic-projects: DESY only -/6/30 4/8/14 teachers‘ days 80/160/280 participants Research projects 5/8/12 Workshops 33/44/52 Project Weeks 0/4/10 Teaching others: Tutor, talks, Masterclasses, Exhibitions, Outreach etc. : 30/80/100 Cosmic-projects: DESY only -/6/30 40/~120/120 National Masterclasses 16/19/19 int. Masterclasses in D. -/~5/20 Cosmic-Projects (basic) 2.800/3.600/5.000 persons
Activities: Activities: National Masterclasses what : about 120 „national masterclasses“ a year where : mostly in schools, also school labs, fairs, exhibitions how : 4-5 hrs, one talk, measurements, quiz, no videoconf supervision : mostly PhD students, assisted by (school) students and teachers groups : about 20 school students data : LHC&LEP National Masterclass in Lenggries (MPI München)
Activities: Activities: Cosmic Project* (DESY Zeuthen) what: 20 „basic introductory days“, 30 „project weeks“, ~5 research projects a year how: Scintillator Experiment, using Quarknet DAQ board „Kamiokanne“ Web experiments (e.g. trigger hodoscope, polar ship) mainly acitivities in qualification and research stages Students : project weeks (1-2 weeks) Teachers : teachers days supervision : mostly PhD-students and teachers *since Dec 2010 Scintillator Photomultiplier DAQ board
Activities: Activities: Qualification Stage Students: „spreading their knowledge to others“ being tutors in masterclasses, cosmic-experiments giving talks about particle physics in their school guiding in exhibitions; help with outreach-activities … even holding a masterclass themselves Teachers: „organizing particle physics projects“ organizing masterclasses, cosmic-projects preparation of masterclasses
Activities: Activities: CERN Workshops and Project Weeks (CERN, partially with German Teachers Program) Students : 60 participants in two annual workshops (3 days) 10 participants in project weeks (own research projects) Teachers: 60 participants in two annual workshops (5 days) CERN-Workshops are a big motivation for activities in the qualification stage and very effective training for teachers in modern physics
Activities: Activities: Research Projects Students: research projects for 3-10 months (particle and astroparticle physics) often part of final school examinations work on own measurements tutors: PhD students and physicists at universities and teachers Teachers: planning: research projects in particle physics and physics teaching current problem: lack of physics teachers in German schools (no chance to take sabbaticals)
Impressions Excited participants at the 1st students‘ CERN-Workshop in November 2010 Testing the new LHC-ATLAS-W-Data at the same workshop Teachers with cosmic experiments at the 1st CERN-Workshop für teachers (with German Teachers Programme) Participants at the finals of the German Competition „Jugend Forscht“ (astroparticle physics project)
Organization & Structure Coordination: Institute for Nuclear and Particle Physics, TU Dresden Workshops: CERN, German Teachers‘ Programme Context material: Didactics of Physics, U Würzburg Scientific Evaluation: Didactics of Physics, TU Dresden since 2011 : Astroparticle Project: DESY Zeuthen Funding: BMBF (1/2010-1/2013) initially Patronage: German Physical Society Partner:
Local Organisation 24 Institutes in total 19 International Masterclasses 8 Teachers Day 15 Astroparticle Physics Almost all Particle Physics Institutes in Germany around 140 scientists involved !
2011- Cosmic-Project Ulrike Behrens / Michael Walter Carolin Schwerdt 75% Manpower Netzwerk Teilchenwelt* Internet/Multimedia/PR Jens Kube Lisa Leander 40% *funded by Netzwerk Teilchenwelt Context Materials Thomas Trefzger Manuela Kuhar 50% Synergies : International Masterclasses / IPPOG W.-Gentner Stipend / CERN Discover the Cosmos / EU CERN-Workshops Sascha Schmeling Gerfried Wiener 70% / 9 months Lokal Institutes 40 Contact Persons+ ~100 students (honorary) Coordination and Communication Anne Glück 100% Project Management Michael Kobel Kamiokannen Arnulf Quadt N.N. WHK context materials W.-Gentner Stipend Project Coordination Assistance Carmen Leuschel 50% Evaluation Gesche Pospiech Kerstin Gedigk 50% (PhD)
No network without Communication Newsletter (800) Facebook/Twitter Publications/Didactics Science Events
Network and Users‘ Community Community Status Netzwerk Teilchenwelt … rather top - down organization Scientists and Staff Netzwerk Teilchenwelt: ~ 100 scientists, 6 staff (+10) activities experiments experimentators communication ideas/leading scientists‘ perspectives Teachers: ~ involved in activities ?? teaching locally with input from CERN workshops Students: mostly recipients ~100 Activities local level short-time involvement
Network and Users‘ Community Utopia : For a lasting competence in modern science teaching benefiting from each others‘ perspectives sharing knowledge and needs more interaction between different groups developing experiments together developing teaching material together moderation by the staff Scientists TeachersStudentsScientistsStudentsTeachers Staff & Activities For long term effects you need the teachers …
Network and Users‘ Community Network and Users‘ Community Status: Teachers Network: teacher training in (astro)particle physics: Teachers‘ Days CERN Workshops Local teachers‘ involvement in the network Organization of events at their own schools Training of students for events National teachers‘ involvement Social media interaction: Forum, Facebook But : mostly recipients of communication activities
Network and Users‘ Community Network and Users‘ Community Ideas and Visions for Teachers Sharing the Knowledge using the teachers‘ ideas and potential to improve context materials and events longterm involvement of teachers in science (sabbaticals?) „refreshing“ the scientific experience using teachers as influencers for the development of curriculae, etc.
Network and users‘ community Network and users‘ community Ideas and Visions for Teachers Challenges: currently lots of changes going on in the German school system workload of interested teachers sabbaticals: general lack of physics teachers in Germany + admin problems universities: lack of capacities and interest for local organisation of participation lack of staff to coordinate activities across Germany
Ideas for the future New Idea: Create a Teachers‘ Network -improving particle physics activities for schools: longterm involvement of teachers at the top stage of the network (workshops, conferences, communication platform, shared knowledge) -science projects for interested teachers -nation wide workshops with teachers at the top stage of the network -to acknowledge: „modern science“ certificate for schools with active teachers Aim : create a „win-win“ situation for students, teachers, schools, and universities
More information: EPPCN Sascha Schmeling
Sascha Schmeling30
Work with Students Student Works („Staatsexamen“) e.g. Julian Merkert, Karlsruhe, 2008 “Project Physicsteaching” well-documented multimedia introduction to CERN and LHC extensive production of teaching material consolidation of teachers‘ resources at CERN PhD Thesis – Gentner-Programme / Austrian Programme 4 doctoral students currently at CERN „Masterclasses and the LHC“ „Cosmics Experiments in Highschool“ „Physics Teaching 2.0“ Particle Physics to Teachers in NRW
German Language Material Sascha Schmeling CERN32
Some Conclusions build on existing programmes for general teachers courses build a network to reach high school students, teachers, and students get teacher students integrated, they are a great asset to any programme