Educational programmes, ISCED and educational attainment Friedrich Huebler UNESCO Institute for Statistics Meeting of the Expert Group on International Economic and Social Classifications UNSD, New York, 4 September 2009
ISCED on UIS website
Published ISCED mappings Arab States n Algeria n Djibouti n Egypt n Kuwait n Lebanon n Mauritania n Morocco n Qatar n Sudan n United Arab Emirates n Yemen Central Asia n Armenia n Georgia n Mongolia East Asia and the Pacific n Brunei Darussalam n Macao, China n Singapore Latin America and the Caribbean n Anguilla n British Virgin Islands n Cayman Islands n Colombia n Cuba n Dominica n Dominican Republic n Guatemala n Guyana n Haiti n Honduras n Montserrat n Panama n Saint Lucia South and West Asia n Bangladesh n Bhutan n India n Maldives n Nepal n Pakistan Sub-Saharan Africa n Botswana n Burundi n Cape Verde n Central African Republic n Comoros n Congo n Ethiopia n Lesotho n Liberia n Mali n Mauritius n Mozambique n Namibia n Niger n Nigeria n Senegal n Sierra Leone n United Republic of Tanzania n Zambia n Zimbabwe Source: (August 2009)
Montserrat ISCED mapping
Montserrat ISCED levels 1, 2, 3
Kuwait ISCED mapping
Kuwait ISCED levels 5, 6
Algeria ISCED mapping
Algeria ISCED levels 2, 3
Ethiopia ISCED mapping
Ethiopia ISCED levels 1, 2
Contact information Friedrich Huebler UNESCO Institute for Statistics CP 6128, Succursale Centre-Ville Montreal, QC H3C 3J7 Canada