Santa Rosa District Schools Mentor Teacher Program October 2013
Welcome Activity Find a Winter, Spring, Summer, & Fall Friend—write their names on your sheet Video Activity Find your winter friend—talk about your mentoring experiences Introduce your winter friend—tell what makes her a great mentor
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Learning Goal Mentor Teachers will be able to more effectively apply research-based strategies when working with teachers at their individual school sites.
Mentor Teachers One out of every five new teachers leaves the teaching profession after only three years. About 50% leave within the first five years. A helpful mentor significantly reduced the number who leave during the first year. (NCES and Staffing Survey, 2000)
Mentor Teachers 70% of teachers who met with a mentor once a week said their instructional skills improved “a lot” just because of the contact. (Samuels, 2000)
Mentor Teachers Student Achievement High-Quality Teachers/Low-Quality Teachers 3 Consecutive Years = 50 percentile points Standardized Tests (Sanders/Horn, 1994)
Mentor Teachers Develop a trusting, collegial professional relationship Help mentees be more productive and effective teachers Instill a habit of reflective & deliberate practice
The Good Mentor is: Committed to mentoring role Accepting of novice teacher Skilled at providing instructional support Effective in many interpersonal contexts A continuous learner. Able to communicates hope and optimism. (Rowley, 1999)
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Roles & Responsibilities Support New & Struggling Teachers Support Administration in the Teacher Evaluation Mentor to teachers on Professional Improvement Plans (optional)
Forms Mentor Teacher List Mentor Teacher Log Requested Training Guidelines
Deliberate Practice
Deliberate Practice How to Model Deliberate Practice in the Classroom How to Model Deliberate Practice in the Classroom 1-Stretching Students 2-Self-Regulation and Goal Setting 3-Self-Observation and Personal Evaluation 4-Feedback Component
Santa Rosa Evaluation Self-Assessment Reflection PGS
Teacher Evaluation Domain 1 Review of rubric & Resources Routine Events Video/Consensus Addressing Content Video/Consensus Enacted on the Spot Video/Consensus
Teacher Evaluation Domain #2 Planning and Preparing Reflection on Teaching Collegiality and Professionalism
Mentoring Matters! Mentor Teachers