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2 Update on New CSR Realignments Vascular and Hematology IRG Study Section Change Joy Gibson, Director Division of Translational and Clinical Sciences Peer Review Advisory Committee February 1, 2010 National Institutes of Health U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Integrated Review Groups Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences Musculoskeletal, Oral and Skin Sciences Vascular and Hematology Oncology Translational and Clinical Surgery, Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering Division of Translational and Clinical Sciences Erythrocyte and Leukocyte Biology (ELB) Hematopoiesis (HP) Hemostasis and Thrombosis Atherosclerosis and Inflammation of the Cardiovascular System Hypertension and Microcirculation Vascular, Cellular and Molecular Biology

R01 # Apps. ELB has had a decreasing workload

HP workload has been relatively stable

Study Section Size Study Sections < applications considered small ELB much too small HP variable, but not large Can the two study sections be merged? 6

The Exploratory Process Engage scientists across the Hematology community in discussion of the problem and potential solutions Present the problem and outcome of community discussions to involved staff in NHLBI and NIDDK Convene working group to evaluate options Present plan to PRAC Implement plan to reorganize study sections 7 The Exploratory Process

Hematology Working Group Hematology Academic Community Nancy Andrews - Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs, Duke University J. Doug Engel - Professor, University of Michigan Medical School Ronald Hoffman - Professor, Mount Sinai School of Medicine Mohandas Narla - Vice President for Research, NY Blood Center Stuart Orkin -Professor, Harvard Stem Cell Institute, Children’s Hospital, Dana Farber Cancer Institute Evan Sadler – Chief, Division of Hematology, Washington University 8

Hematology Working Group NIH Community Keith Hoots – Director, Division of Blood Diseases, NHLBI George Nemo – Deputy Director, Division of Blood Diseases, NHLBI Terry Bishop – Hematology Program Director, NIDDK Michael Martin – Scientific Advisor, CSR Joy Gibson – CSR 9

Options Presented to Working Group 1.Eliminate ELB and return to mirror image study section format as before reorganization 2.Augment ELB by tapping overlapping study sections across CSR 3.Merge ELB with HP, recognizing complementary areas

Guidelines for ELB and HP Erythrocyte and Leukocyte Biology (ELB) Hemoglobin, globin and globin disorders, sickle cell Erythrocyte, granulocyte, monocyte biology Iron, heme metabolism Transfusion medicine, blood banking, blood groups Hematopoiesis (HP) Normal and abnormal hematopoiesis, stem cell biology Leukemias, leukemogenesis Hematopoietic cell gene therapy 11

Recommendation of Working Group Merge ELB and HP Study Sections to form the Molecular and Cellular Hematology (MCH) Study Section Ensure strong Chairperson with appreciation of both communities Recruit reviewers with required specific expertise, but general appreciation of both scientific areas 12

Scientific areas covered by MCH: Hematopoiesis including stem cells Myelopoiesis, erythropoiesis, leukopoiesis, thrombopoiesis Leukemias Hemoglobin structure, blood substitutes, globin gene Iron and heme metabolism Immunohematology and transfusion medicine Molecular and cellular biology of formed blood elements Anemias Myeloid signaling and function Transplantation – bone marrow, stem cell, xeno 13

Proposal for Discussion Complete 2010/05 Council reviews with ELB &HP Merge rosters of ELB and HP (n=21) April 2010 Convene Molecular and Cellular Hematology as a Special Emphasis Panel June 2010 (n~90) Meet as MCH October 2010 and submit first nomination slate in