The Post-2015 Framework: UN process and institutional arrangements Brief overview Beniam Gebrezghi, UNDP Bureau of External Relations and Advocacy Civil Society Division November 2012 Empowered lives. Resilient nations.
Overview of the Post-2015 Process MDG Accelera- tion Vision for the UN System Contours of the Post-2015 agenda Open Working Group on SDGs UN Task Team on Post-2015 (UNTT) High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons (HLP) Rio+20 Outcome Document 2010 MDG Summit
Key Recommendations from the Report of the UN System Task Team
The High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons (HLP) Its work will be based on the findings of the Report of the UN System Task Team (UNTT) It will be informed by the outcome of major processes, in particular the Rio+20 and the UNDG’s open and inclusive consultations It will deliver a report by the first quarter of 2013
The UNGA Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) It is tasked to develop a proposal for the SDGs Its working group is comprised of 30 representatives nominated by Member States It will submit a report, to the 68 th session of the GA, containing a proposal for SDGs for consideration and appropriate action
What is the UNDG approach?
National consultations (initially 56 now up to 100) Africa (S, E & W)Asia & the PacificLatin America & the Caribbean Arab StatesEastern Europe & the CIS 1.Angola 2.Burkina Faso 3.CAR 4.DRC 5.Ethiopia 6.Ghana 7.Kenya 8.Malawi 9.Mali 10.Mauritius 11.Mozambique 12.Niger 13.Nigeria 14.Senegal 15.South Africa 16.Tanzania 17.Togo 18.Uganda 19.Zambia 1.Bangladesh 2.Bhutan 3.Cambodia 4.China 5.India 6.Indonesia 7.Iran 8.Lao PDR 9.Pakistan 10.PNG 11.Philippines 12.Samoa 13.Solomon Islands 14.Timor-Leste 15.Vietnam 1.Bolivia 2.Brazil 3.Colombia 4.Costa Rica 5.El Salvador 6.Guatemala 7.Honduras 8.Peru 9.Santa Lucia 1.Algeria 2.Djibouti 3.Egypt 4.Jordon 5.Morocco 6.Sudan 1.Albania 2.Armenia 3.Kazakhstan 4.Kosovo 5.Moldova 6.Serbia 7.Tajikistan 8.Turkey
Thematic consultations (initially 9 now 12) ThemesNotesCo-leadersContributorsHost Government Inequalities Across all dimensions, including gender UNICEF and UN Women OHCHR, UNDP, ILO, UNDESA, MDGF, FAO Denmark Health Including issues covered by current MDGs 4, 5 and 6 & NCDs UNICEF and WHO OHCHR, UNDP, UNFPA, UNAIDS, UNIDO Sweden (and likely co-host Botswana) Education Primary, secondary, tertiary and vocational; UNESCO and UNICEF FAP and ILO Canada (and likely co-host Senegal) Growth and employment Including investment in productive capacities, decent work, and social protection ILO and UNDPUNCTAD, MDGFJapan Environmental sustainability Including access to energy, biodiversity, climate change UNEP and UNDP UNDP, UNESCO, UNDESA, MDGF France Governance Governance and accountability at all levels: global, national and sub- national UNDP and OHCHR UNICEF, UN Women, UNMC, UNDESA, MDGF Germany, co-host South Africa Conflict and fragility Conflict and post-conflict countries, and those prone to natural disasters UNDP, PBSO and ISDR WFP, UNICEF, UN WOMEN, UNDESA Finland Population dynamics Including ageing, international and internal migration, and urbanization UNFPA and UNHABITAT FAO, ILO Switzerland (and likely co- host Bangladesh) Hunger, Food and nutrition security WFP and FAO UNDP, UNICEF, UNDESA, HLTF, UNIDO Spain EnergyTBCTBC (Norway WaterTBCTBC (Netherlands)
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