1 Lesson 4 An Introduction to the Book of Acts
2 Purpose of Introductory Comments (1) We accept the Bible claims Re: Inspiration. However, Just because the Bible says it is inspired does not make it so. The Book of Mormon claims to be a product of inspiration How do you prove Bible inspiration? You can’t (see quote) (this is FAITH) We believe it to be inspired because in all places where it can be tested, it is shown to be true!
3 Purpose of Introductory Comments (2) Our Faith is Based upon Evidence. Romans 1:20. “Christianity is not a religion made up of a group of credulous, thick-headed, and unenlightened ignoramuses” (Reese, xxxviii). We should be willing to examine the legitimacy scripture Can we trust that Luke was the author? Can we trust that Luke is a part of the canon? Can we trust Luke as a historian?
4 Purpose of Introductory Comments (3) Modernists Constantly attack the Scriptures. One claim is that Luke was not the writer of the book. That it was instead written in 2 nd century Some claim the theology expressed by Paul in Acts does not match his epistles We must be able to meet these objections, and our introductory study will serve to establish the validity of our claim that Luke is inspired scripture
5 Purpose of Introductory Comments (4) Acts is important to our heritage in the Restoration Movement. Our understanding of man must do to be saved. Our understanding of the establishment of the kingdom Our understanding of the organization of the local church Our understanding of the work of the local church Our understanding of the worship of the local church
6 Quote: Testing Scripture “If the Bible can be proved to be true in all points where it can be tested, then who can say it is false in the points where it cannot be tested. And it has been shown to be true where it can be tested. It claims to be inspired. This we cannot test. But we believe it, because the Book is true in all the places where it can be tested.” Reese, page xxxviii
7 Introductory Considerations (1) Title of the Book. Title was not given by Luke himself Present title: “Acts of the Apostles” very old. Codices Vaticanus and Beza use this name. In reality, the book contains the record of primarily the acts of Peter and Paul. The title of the book is not a part of the inspired text. It has been added by men for convenience sake.
8 Introductory Considerations (2) Purpose of the Book’s Writing. “The primary purpose, we believe, was to give the world a record of the establishment of the church, and also information on how to become a Christian. How greatly in need of material on these two subjects we’d be if we did not have Acts. We would not know of Pentecost. We wouldn’t know where the writer of over one-half of the New Testament came from. Where could one turn to find information on how to appropriate the results of Christ’s atoning death…? (Reese, pg. xxiv)
9 Introductory Considerations (3) Author of the Book. Muratorian Canon (170 A.D.) states that Luke was the author: “But the Acts of all the Apostles were written in one volume. Luke compiled for “most excellent Theophilus” what things were done in detail in his presence…” Other church fathers: Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, Eusebius. “we” sections indicate the author was Paul’s companion (cf. 2 Ti. 4:11; Col. 4:14)
10 Introductory Considerations (4) Trustworthiness of the Book. Some attack the book of Acts as an accurate record of church history. (We will examine objections from time to time in our verse study) Acts is historically accurate (remember chronology) Geographically accurate. Masterful presentation of both Peter and Paul’s speeches and actions (balance) The history is exact, written with candor, and gives many particular details
11 Introductory Considerations (5) Language of the Book. Greek language, of very good quality. Date of Writing Written after gospel of Luke. (est. date of Luke’s writing, 60 A.D.) Must have been written after the accession of Festus as governor in 60 A.D. Abrupt ending of Acts may indicate that Luke had recorded all up to that point. Hence the date of writing is given as 63 A.D.
12 Introductory Considerations (6) Integrity of the Book. Does Acts appear today in substantially the same form as when it was initially written? “Concerning the integrity of Acts, all the scholars are agreed that the book of Acts is substantially in the same condition as that which proceeded from the author.” (Reese, pg. xxxvii). God’s providence comes into play here.
13 Introductory Considerations (7) Characteristics of the Book. Emphasizes the missionary nature of the first century church: 1) Founding of church; 2) Spread of Christianity from Jerusalem to Rome; 3) The inspired history of the first 3o years of the church’s growth. The inspired record of the Holy Spirit’s advent, mission and operations Book furnishes background of Paul’s epistles.