Kite Diagrams
Kite diagrams are a visual picture of the population density of a species across a horizontal landscape.
1.Calculate population density per metre 2 for the chosen organisms. 50cm 2 quadrats were used. How to draw a kite diagram Quadrat Number Barnacle Density (numbe r/m 2 ) MusselDensity (numbe r/m 2 ) ChitonDensity (numbe r/m 2 ) 2m000 4m0161 6m4172 8m686 10m m m1800
1.Calculate population density per metre 2 for the chosen organisms. 50cm 2 quadrats were used. How to draw a kite diagram Quadrat Number Barnacle Density (numbe r/m 2 ) MusselDensity (numbe r/m 2 ) ChitonDensity (numbe r/m 2 ) 2m m m m m m m
1) You will need to use a whole page of graph paper and turn it horizontally 2) Write a suitable title and include date and site at the top of your page. 3) x-axis (horizontal) = sample sites distances from high tide y-axis (vertical) = species names 4) Divide the y-axis into three equal parts. Draw a line through the middle of each, parallel to the horizontal axis. These will be the baselines (equal to 0) Instructions for constructing a kite diagram…
5)Scan your data to find the highest density value. Divide this in half. 6) Make a scale on your y-axis above and below each baseline that will cover this value. 7) Divide the rest of the data in half and plot points above and below the baseline with an x. Mark O’s on the baseline with an x. Join the points above and below each baseline with a ruler and the same underneath. Shade each ‘kite’. Continued…
A bad kite diagram – what is wrong? Does not give distances from start point or units of distance Some of the kites are open ended – should be closed off at end. Title does not contain much detail. No mention of where site is or date samples are taken.