TEACHING IN CATALONIA (SPAIN) Institut Dr Puigvert Comenius “The bookworms of Europe” from 20th to 24th October In Mersin (Turkey)
General timetable for public teachers According to “Generalitat de Catalunya” public teachers must work 37 hours and 30 minutes a week. Duties distribution depend on the level of education and school type. Primary school teachers working at special needs centres. (25h + 5h +7,5h) Art school teachers and Language schools for adults. (20h + 8h + 2h + 7,5h)
Secondary school teachers In-school teaching time 20 hoursteaching, class activities, self-assessment tasks, coordinating or directing tasks ) In-school duty time 8 hourson-duty time to cover other teachers, weekly meetings, tutorial time ( orientation, parents/ pupils meetings,) coordination of programmes /projects or maintenance of specific rooms (IT, Technology, Labs..) Other duties (non-fixed hours) 2 hoursassessment meetings, teacher conferences and coordinating conferences with external entities. Other duties principal determines Preparation time 7 hours 30 minutes prepare classes, correct activities, attending training courses or conferences … not necessarily taking place in the centre.
Public Teacher Salary SalaryDestination Complement Specific complement Singular Component Specific TOTAL MONTHLY TOTAL Professor1.161,30734,94601,4454,28655,722551,96€ Secondary School Teacher 1161,30613,60601, ,34€ Vocational school teacher 985,59613,60601, ,63€ Primary School teacher 985,59498,26588, ,91€
Teaching calendar 1st TERM2nd TERM3rd TERMTOTAL Teaching days70 days56 days53 days179 days* National holidays 12 oct, 1 nov, 6 i 8 des Christmas ( days) Easter (10 days) 24th June (Bonfire night) Local holidaysLa Mercè24 May ? (Whitsun) TOTAL194 days TEACHER TRAINING PERIOD: 1st to 15th July* SUMMER HOLIDAYS: 15th July to 31st August