February 27, 2014 Urban League
Intro to the BGA Robert Reed Director of Programming and Investigations Better Government Association
School Budgets 101 Sarah Karp Deputy Editor Catalyst Chicago
CPS budgeting Like school lunches, we don’t know what goes in, but we don’t like the result.
Where does CPS get its money? 40 % from property taxes
Old system Schools allocated teachers based on the number of students. Small enrollment swings didn’t change the bottom line. Teacher salary didn’t matter to principals because they were given positions Less flexibility for principals
This year: Student-based budgeting Core allocation money follows the student. $4,140 per student Schools get less SBB core allocation depending on number of students who are more severely disabled
How CPS arrived at this amount Adding together last years expenditures on things that would be covered by SBB. = $2 billion But the amount was reduced because of the district’s budget deficit subtract $81 million
On top of SBB schools get: Administrative base to pay for 1 principal, 1 counselor and 1 clerk Salary adjustment for veteran teachers Magnet schools and magnet cluster schools Federal and state poverty money, based on number of students who qualify for free and reduced lunch.
Beethoven elementary school big increase in students big increase in students 2013: 389; 2013: 389; 2014: : 464 Replaced by student- based budgeting: College-ready funding Full-day kindergarten general education fund supplemental ancillary teaching positions Fund Grant Description FY 2013 Expenditures as of 6/30/2013 FY 2014 Approved Budget CHILDREN-AT-RISK044,912 College Ready Funding152,4320 Extended Day Learning Time 00 General Education Fund1,794,545310,237 Public Building Commission O & M 32,6110 School Transitions025,689 Special Education - Transportation 00 Special Education Fund121,415120,375 State Special Education Block Grant 598,707617,464 Student Based Budgeting01,801,821 Summer Office Support1,7230 Supplemental Ancillary Teaching Positions 45,2120 Transportation - Safety Personnel 00 Workers'& Unemployment Compensation/Tort 108,520104,287 Grand Total2,855,1653,024,785
Investment in Bronzeville schools All together CPS is spending $15 million less on schools this year, compared with last year Closed five schools: Mayo, Overton, Pershing West, Williams Middle and Williams Elementary 12 of the remaining 23 schools lost money Phillips was down $3.5 million; King was down $1.6 million
Investment in Bronzeville schools Welcoming schools got investments, including non-designated welcoming schools such as Burke Other schools like Carter, Reavis and Fuller lost students so were adversely affected by two factors – Student-based budgeting amount – Fewer students
Charter schools Same per-pupil amount as district run school. “administrative base” salary adjustment stipend for in- kind services (operations, maintenance, security and magnet positions) Elem k - 3Elem 4-8H.S. Weighting Per pupil$4,429$4,1405,132 Admin Base$542$507$623 Teacher adjustment $98$91$112 Stipend for services $1,758$1,643$2020 Total $6827 $6381$7887 Plus, state and federal poverty money
Extra money Government Grants Private foundation grants Parent fundraising Charters bring in more---more than half bring in over $100,000 in private money Less than 10 district-run schools bring in more than $100,000
For more information To find information about specific schools: Budget.aspx Budget.aspx School-level budgets are under “Interactive Reports” under the “Find your school budget” tab Read Catalyst-Chicago online and in print
How to File a FOIA Alden Loury Senior Policy Analyst Better Government Association
Freedom of Information Act Step 1: Find the FOIA Officer City of Chicago Freedom of Information Officer Cassandra Daniels Chicago Public Schools 125 S Clark St, 7 th Flr Chicago, IL Fax to
Freedom of Information Act Step 2: Writing a FOIA Request No specific format is required. No standard form is required. No reason for your request is necessary. Be as specific as possible about what records you are requesting. Include your name and contact information. Review the Illinois FOIA law, particularly section 7 on allowable exemptions: D=2
Freedom of Information Act Sample FOIA Request June 1, 2012 Dear Ms. Daniels: This is a request under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140). Please provide copies of the school expenditure reports for the school year for Edmund Burke Elementary School and Ludwig van Beethoven Elementary School. I also ask that you convey this information electronically, via to If the records cannot be provided electronically, please mail them to me at the mailing address provided below or contact me so that I can make arrangements for pick up. Because these records are being sought in the public interest, I ask that you waive all copying, printing and programming costs associated with this If any part of this request is denied, Section 9 of the FOIA requires that you provide reasons for the denial, citing the specific language in the FOIA that grants an exemption. If you have any questions pertaining to this request, please do not hesitate to contact me at Thank you, Alden Loury Better Government Association 223 W. Jackson Blvd. Suite 900 Chicago, IL 60606
Freedom of Information Act Other Notes: You may ask to conduct on-site inspection, which may alleviate copying charges Try to be as narrow as possible: broad requests such as “All documents related to…” are more likely to be denied. Under FOIA, you must request a specific document. If you do not know the document you are looking for, you may try writing, “Documents sufficient to show…”
Freedom of Information Act Step 3: Tracking Response The public body must comply with or deny the request within 5 business days. The public body may request an extension of up to 5 business days. No response from the public body equals a denial, and you may then appeal. Keep notes and records (names, dates, times) of all communication, including phone calls. Submitting everything via or fax will allow you a stronger paper trail, which can be used to appeal a denial.
Freedom of Information Act Step 4: Dealing with Denials Call/ the BGA and tell us about your situation Attend a BGA FOIA clinic Submit a request for review with the Public Access Counselor: File a lawsuit Ask an attorney you know to take on the suit pro bono
Freedom of Information Act FOIA and Charter Schools Charter schools are nonprofit organizations and do not necessarily have to follow FOIA or OMA, though some do. For info on charter schools: Submit a FOIA to CPS requesting a copy of a charter school’s annual audit and projected budgets Look for the charter’s 990 form on Guidestar or the Attorney General’s Website:
Closing Questions? Concerns? Contact us!