The Man Who Painted Truth by Kathleen M. Hays
A. To show that Howe believed in magic 1 In paragraph 5 of the selection, why does the author include a description of Howe drawing on the ground? A. To show that Howe believed in magic B. To show that Howe needed his family C. To show that Howe was determined D. To show that Howe loved nature Critical Thinking 9: Analyze author’s purpose and evaluate effectiveness for different audiences (includes fact/opinion; author’s point of view, tone, and use of persuasive devices) (Reading GLEs 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.4)
2 How did different opinions about Native American art contribute to the conflict in the selection? Provide two examples from the selection in your answer. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Literary Analysis 5: Demonstrate understanding of authors’ use of literary elements (character, setting, plot, genre, etc.) and literary devices (simile, metaphor, alliteration, personification, etc.) (Reading GLEs 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.3.3)
How did different opinions about Native American art contribute to the conflict in the selection? Provide two examples from the selection in your answer. 2 A 2-point response provides two text-based examples that show how different opinions about Native American art contribute to the conflict in the selection. Example: Critics believed Oscar’s work looked too modern to be Native American. The museum thought his painting style didn’t fit the rules for Native American art. 1 A 1-point response provides one text-based example that shows how different opinions about Native American art contribute to the conflict in the selection.
Text-based details may include, but are not limited to: Howe’s work looked too modern Howe struggled his whole life to convince others that his paintings could be both modern and true to his heritage Howe’s parents didn’t understand his lines / lines were abstract / did not seem to represent familiar objects Howe’s parents took away his pencil and paper Oscar’s parents took away his supplies / forbade him to draw Howe drew with charcoal Howe’s parents forbade him to use charcoal Howe drew on the ground Native American painters were expected to use the Dunn style Critics complained / his work continued to draw criticism Howe disagreed / “I took the straight line out of the Dakota past and used it as part of my art, its meaning remains the same, the truth.” Judges rejected Howe’s painting at a Native American art competition / his art did not fit the rules Howe wrote a letter of protest / “Are we to be held back forever…with no right to individualism, dictated to as the Indian has always been…?” Howe made museum directors, art critics, and teachers think / shouldn’t Native American artists be treated like other artists? Scoring note: Students who earn a score point for bullet D or bullet G may not also earn a score point for bullet E.
2 2 How did different opinions about Native American art contribute to the conflict in the selection? Provide two examples from the selection in your answer. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Howe wrote a letter to protest to the museum: “Are we to be held back forever…with no right of individualism, dictated to as the Indian always been…? He made directors, critics, etc. to think artists should be treated as they wished. Then he won at the museum next year in the competition. M. Howe wrote a letter to protest to the museum: “Are we to be held back forever…with no right of individualism, dictated to as the Indian always been…? N. He made directors, critics, etc. to think artists should be treated as they wished. This response uses two text-based examples to explain how different opinions about Native American art contributed to the conflict in the story.
2 How did different opinions about Native American art contribute to the conflict in the selection? Provide two examples from the selection in your answer. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It was a different way at looking at Native American art. He did the art differnt and people had different opinions. This response is too vague.
1 2 How did different opinions about Native American art contribute to the conflict in the selection? Provide two examples from the selection in your answer. How the different opinions about native American art contribute to this selection is some people believed that the Native American art should be done like it used to and Oscar Howe’s believed that paintings can be both modern and true to its heritage. B. …Oscar Howe’s believed that paintings can be both modern and true to its heritage. This response uses one text-based example to explain how different opinions about Native American art contributed to the conflict in the story.
2 2 How did different opinions about Native American art contribute to the conflict in the selection? Provide two examples from the selection in your answer. 1 The Native American art competition didn‛t allow Howe to compete, they felt his art was too modern to be true to his heritage. Dorothy Dunn taught Howe to paint subjects from his tribal background and to use natural colors. This style became the style all native American painters were expected to use. Howe became more confident in his work and his work began to change. Critics didn‛t like the new style they said it looked too modern to be Native American. 2 Judges in art competitions excluded Howe because they felt it did not fit the rules for Native American art. L. The Native American art competition didn’t allow Howe to compete… B. …they felt his art was too modern to be true to his heritage. I. Dorothy Dunn taught Howe to paint subjects from his tribal background and to use natural colors. This style became the style all native American painters were expected to use. A. …they said it looked too modern to be Native American. L. Judges in art competitions excluded Howe because they felt it did not fit the rules for Native American art. This response uses more than two text-based examples to explain how different opinions about Native American art contributed to the conflict in the story.
1 2 How did different opinions about Native American art contribute to the conflict in the selection? Provide two examples from the selection in your answer. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ oscars parents didnot like his art and took his paper away, some people didnot like his paintings so he was less popular E. oscars parents…took his paper away This response uses one text-based example to explain how different opinions about Native American art contributed to the conflict in the story.
2 How did different opinions about Native American art contribute to the conflict in the selection? Provide two examples from the selection in your answer. Oscar howe’s efforts to paint his vision of the truth had forever changed native American art. He had won a battle as dramatic as any fought by his Dakota ancestors. This response does not answer the question.
Analysis 7: Make connections (cause and effect) within a text 3 Why did Oscar Howe’s parents take away his art supplies? A. He painted common Sioux objects. B. They misunderstood his artistic style. C. He adopted the traditional Native American techniques. D. They sent him to Santa Fe Indian School’s painting program. Analysis 7: Make connections (cause and effect) within a text (Reading GLE 2.3.1)
4 What is the meaning of the word emerged in paragraph 8? A. Moved B. Inspired C. Focused D. Appeared Comprehension 4: Understand and apply content vocabulary critical to the meaning of the text (Reading GLE 1.3.2)
Comprehension 2: Summarize with evidence from the text 5 Which sentence best summarizes this selection? A. Howe began drawing at age 3 and eventually revolutionized Native American art. B. Howe rejected the traditional point-and-line technique of the Dakota painters. C. Howe preferred Dakota pictographs in which straight lines stand for truth. D. Howe was awarded a grand prize in a Native American art competition. Comprehension 2: Summarize with evidence from the text (Reading GLE 2.1.7)
Comprehension 3: Make or confirm inferences or predictions based 6 In paragraph 10, what did Howe most likely mean when he said, “I heard the truth from them and responded by painting them in like manner of their words”? A. Howe’s paintings showed an incomplete story of his life. B. Howe used many methods to express his artistic talents. C. Howe’s paintings reflected the values of his people. D. Howe modified his paintings to please his people. Comprehension 3: Make or confirm inferences or predictions based on the text (Reading GLE 2.1.5)