CALL TO ORDER Describe what is going on in this picture using at least three specific details.
Is this a boy doing a puzzle with his sister? Or is the girl a part of the puzzle?
INTERPRET: make sense of Each of you had DIFFERENT interpretations of the picture. Supreme Court justices might have DIFFERENT interpretations of the law.
Who makes up the judicial branch?
What is the judicial branch’s role? To interpret the law! (figure out what it means)
The Story of “Little Melvin” Williams Melvin Williams grew up in West Baltimore By the age of 15 he had made a few hundred thousand hustling in crap shooting (dice) and pool He considers himself a mathematical genius
Little Melvin found his career in gambling. His skills became legendary in Baltimore
Little Melvin’s luck runs out Capsules of Heroin In 1967, Baltimore police Sgt. Lawrence Winecke put his hand into William’s coat pocket and came out with 16 capsules of heroin
“He planted it!” To this day “Little Melvin” claims officer Winecke set him up and planted heroin in his pocket that night “Little Melvin” believes the police were intimidated by his growing power and influence in Baltimore as a legendary gambler
Officer Winecke has never been convicted of this crime. It never went to a court of law. However, there are some in law enforcement and media (news reporters) who expressed doubts at the case’s legitimacy and believe “Little Melvin’s claim Years later, facing corruption charges, officer Winecke committed suicide
Little Melvin makes a decision that will forever change his life After being charged with possession of heroin “Little Melvin” decided to become a full time drug dealer He has been quoted as saying “They wanted to call me a drug dealer” says Williams, “so I was gonna be the biggest drug dealer anybody ever saw. I sold more than anyone. I did it in anger”
“Little Melvin” soon became the largest drug trafficker in Baltimore city
“Little Melvin” spends 26 and a half years in and out of Jail For the next forty years “Little Melvin’s” life was a blur of drugs, millions of dollars, expensive cars and federal imprisonment
Why tell “Little Melvin’s” story? The Story of “Little Melvin” is a story of crime and law This unit we will be looking deeply into criminal and civil law But we will start with criminal law, and use “Little Melvin” to begin
Due Process The steps that the government must take in order to take away your freedom (planting drugs on you isn’t one of them…but let’s figure out what they are!)
Informing the suspect of his rights against self-incrimination
Knowing the Charge The cops must tell you why they are arresting you. You’re under arrest…for being cute!
Obtaining Probable Cause Evidence that police have that make it likely that something will be found where it is said to be found
Warrant A judge needs to sign a warrant to search peoples’ homes and belongings.
Setting Bail The amount of money that must be paid to be released from jail.
Habeas Corpus Means “you hold the body” The government must give you a speedy trial The government cannot hold your body in prison for a long time without a trial Can be suspended during emergency situations
In your notebook, order these from least offensive to most offensive. Littering Disturbing the Peace Trespassing Embezzlement Arson Burglary Murder Vandalism Assault Stealing Harassment Trespassing