KOMP and KOMP2 Trish Labosky Scientific Co-director
International Project
KOMP Knock Out Mouse Project Trans-NIH initiative, aims to generate a comprehensive and public resource of murine ESCs containing a null mutation in every gene in the mouse genome.
KOMP Goals 1)Use gene targeting to generate null alleles, marked with a high utility reporter, preferably in C57BL/6; 2)Develop improved C57BL/6 ES cells capable of robust germline transmission, to be used in a high throughput pipeline in generating this resource; 3)Support a repository to house the products of this resource, additional ‘repatriation' effort to bring in 1000 of the existing high priority mouse knockouts; 4)Implement a data coordination center to make the status and relevant data of the production effort available to the research community. 1. Regeneron Pharmaceuticals 2. Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI), School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis (UC Davis) and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. 3. The Jackson Laboratory.
Additional KOMP mice NIH awarded contracts that gave academic researchers access to a set of well- characterized knockout mouse lines from Deltagen and Lexicon Genetics. ~ $11 million for ~250 lines of these mice agenlexicon/list.html
Nature (2011) 474, 262. Vast majority of mice are from the Wellcome Trust
Have targeted more than 9000 genes. Null allele with reporter Conditional allele
What if you don’t know which genes are involved in your biological system/question?
KOMP2: Newly Funded Harwell Jax Baylor UC Davis
Phenotyping Platform
What to do when you find a line of interest: You submit MTA, order ESCs (we recommend the “PREMIUM ESC PACKAGE”, $2801), and have them sent to us. Additional expenses: ESC expansion, freezeback, prep for path screening$1000 / clone ESC Karyotyping (if needed)$350 / clone Path screening by DAC$350 / clone ESC prep / injection day $450 Injection into Albino BL6 / day$2600 Injection into BL6 / day$1650