Myoma of Uterus Xu Hong
Synonyms leiomyoma of uterus leiomyomas fibromyomas myofibromas fibroids fibromas myomas
Incidence Most common solid pelvic tumors Develop in 20 ~ 25% of women during reproductive years 30 ~ 50 years old
Correlative Factors An estrogenic milieu may be necessary Progesterone function Growth factor and their receptor : epithelial growth factor ( EGF ) Insulin-like growth factor ( IGF ) platelet-derived growth factor puberty 青春期 menopause 绝经期 estrogen 雌激素 progesterone 孕激素
Gross Appearance Rare only a single , usually many exist Well-circumscribed , nonencapsulated A pseudocapsule is present. The consistency is usually firm or even hard except when degeneration or hemorrhage has occurred. color : light gray or pinkish white cut section : an intertwining pattern or a whorl-like arrangement ; bulgy pseudocapsule 假包膜
Smooth muscle tumors of the uterus are often multiple. Seen here are submucosal, intramural, and subserosal leiomyomata of the uterus.
Microscopic Appearance Composition : smooth muscle connective tissue The nonstriated muscle fibers are arranged in bundles of various sizes that run in multiple directions.
Classification ( 1 ) According to growth location : Myomas on the body of uterus ( 90% ) Myomas on the cervix of uterus ( 10% )
Classification ( 2 ) According to the relation to uterine muscle : Submucous ( 10 ~ 15% ) Intramural ( 60 ~ 70% ) Subserosal ( 20% ) Few leiomyomas are actually of a single “pure” type. — hybrids
Clinical Manifestation
Symptoms menorrhagia and prolonged menstrual period : common Pelvic pain : occurs in pregnancy if undergoing degeneration or torsion of a pedunculated myoma Pelvic pressure : urinary frequency bowel difficulty ( constipation ) Spontaneous abortion Infertility menorrhagia 月经过多 pedunculated 有蒂的 spontaneous abortion 自然流产 infertility 不育症
Signs A palpable abdominal tumour Pelvic examination : uterus — enlarged and irregular ; hard
Degeneration Hyaline degeneration Cystic degeneration Red degeneration Sarcomatous change The others : fat degeneration calcification the secondary infection Result from the diminished vascularity of the connective-tissue element
Red Degeneration Occasionally seen as a complication of pregnancy ( during pregnancy or immediate postpartum period ) The pathogenesis is unknown , may be the result of the accumulation of blood in the tumour because of venous obstruction. The cut surface resembles raw meat. Clinical features : a cause of pain ( acute ) fever rapid growth , tender 产褥期
Here is a very large leiomyoma of the uterus that has undergone degenerative change and is red (so-called "red degeneration"). Such an appearance might make you think that it could be malignant. Remember that malignant tumors do not generally arise from benign tumors.
Sarcomatous Change Rare : 0.4% ~ 0.8% More common at 40 ~ 50 years old Usually occur in intramural fiboids grow quickly vaginal bleeding
Diagnosis History Bimanual examination Ultrasonography ( B–ultrasound examination ) Hysteroscopy Laparoscopy Hysterography hysteroscopy 子宫镜检查 laparoscopy 腹腔镜检查
Differential Diagnosis Pregnancy Ovarian tumour Adenomyosis Malignant tumors of uterus sarcoma of uterus endometrial carcinoma cervical cancer
Observation and Follow Up Small , asymptomatic fibroids need not be treated , especially near menopause. Interval : 3 ~ 6 months
Medical Treatment Androgenic agents : testosterone propionate GnRH-a : induce a hypoestrogenic pseudomenopausal state not recommended for longer than 6 months “add-back” regimens 丙睾 反向添加疗法,垫背疗法
Surgery Treatment ( 1 ) Indications : greater than 10 weeks’ gestational size menorrhagia , lead to anemia have pressure symptoms grows rapidly failure of medical treatment
Surgery Treatment ( 2 ) Method : Myomectomy—conservative therapy preserve fertility significant risk of recurrence Hysterectomy— radical therapy Subtotal hysterectomy hysterectomy 子宫切除术 myomectomy 肌瘤剔除术 Only true “cure” for leiomyomas 次全子宫切除术
Surgery Treatment ( 3 ) Approach : trans-abdominal trans-vaginal laparoscopic or hysteroscopic
It is important to individualize the choice of therapy.
Uterine Leiomyomas Complicating Pregnancy impact on pregnancy : abortion impact on delivery : premature labour fetal malpresentation retained placenta placenta previa need for operative delivery ( birth canal obstruction ) postpartum hemorrhage Conservative treatment
Critical Points May be related to superabundant estrogen. Well-circumscribed , nonencapsulated. Have a pseudocapsule. Can be classified into submucosal 、 intramural and subserosal types. Different types have different features. Menorrhagia is common. Four degeneration types Individualized treatment , include observation 、 medical treatment and surgical treatment.