Climate change Since Industrial Revolution in 1765: - CO2 From 280 PPM by volume to 360 PPM by volume. - Methane has doubled. In the past 100 years, levels of nitrogen oxide have risen about 15%. Next century expectation : Carbon dioxide approximately 600 PPM by volume.
The Renewable energy resources
Outlines 1-Objectives of renewable energy. 2-Introduction to renewable energy 2-1-Abstract of solar energy. 2-2-Abstract of wind energy. 2-3-Abstract of fuel cell. 3- Our role towards the environment.
Principal Objectives: 1-Reduce fuel consumption. 2-Use renewable energy. 3-Preserve the environment.
Hubert curve
Renewable energy Solar energy wind energy Fuel cell technology
ENG. FAHD ADEL MEKKY PV construction
Theory of operation 18/2/2012
Types of solar photovoltaic Mono Crystalline Poly Crystalline Amorphou s
Maximum power point tracking
λ = (Pmax / ( E ∗ Aw )) 1- λ : Max efficiency 2- Pmax : maximum power 3- E : incident radiation 4- Aw : area of collector
Advantages 18/2/2012
Disadvantages 18/2/2012
Solar paint
Wind energy
Figure shows wind turbine parts
Renewable energy presented by: eng.Fahd Adel Face book: Fahd Adel