Dr Chris
Reasons for publishing Types of (shorter) publication -Book review -Journal article Publishing the thesis as a book
Another means to disseminate your research An output, just like a conference paper A means to get valuable feedback, but also to truly take part in academic debate
The old cliché : Publish or perish The Research Excellence Framework -Determines allocation of research funding; -Provides accountability for investment -Measures/establishes reputation What has REF 2020 got to with you?
What will you need for REF 2020? -Currently, four outputs - journal articles or books -Reductions can be made for early career researchers -Recruiters will be looking for a strong REF profile – and probably a book But remember, you are here to write a PhD – and no PhD, no job!
-Usually words on a book published in last 3 years -Usually have about 3 months to write it, depending on the journal
Pros and cons of the Book Review -Get your name known (like presenting at a conf.) -Read the latest research -Get a free book! -But….. it can take a lot of time and effort -It may be a distraction -Doesn’t count toward the REF
‘I want to write a book review…. What should I do?’ -Select a book that you need to read -Approach a the book reviews editor of a journal -Ask your supervisor to suggest your name -Is it worth it?
A contribution to the field based on original research Usually 6,000 – 12,000 words in length An exciting undertaking! Helps to disseminate your research Stakes a claim to the territory Looks good on a CV and helps in the job market – counts toward REF
But….. It can take a long time – my latest article took about 3 years from beginning of writing to publication It can take a lot of energy, too Be prepared for rejection; it happens to us all
Should my article be taken from my PhD, or something not included in the thesis? ‘Overlap’ v ‘tangents’ Feedback can help improve the PhD Use a conference to test out an argument Remember – the PhD is your top priority!
A good article: -Delivers one key message – don’t over complicate things -The argument is ‘front-loaded’ -Is original, accurate (in terms of recent scholarship) and well written -Has a good abstract – containing easily searchable key words
Which journal should I choose? -The relevant journal by theme/period/geographical area – easy! -But does the journal publish your kind of stuff? Look at previous TOCs -Ask your supervisor -Approach the editor or deputy editor with an abstract -Does the reputation of the journal matter? -Be realistic but start with the best not the ‘easiest’!
1)Submit your paper to one (and only one) journal 2)The editor will read the article and decide whether to send it to referees – usually 2 or 3 - or reject 3)You will received reports from the referees, and the editor will make a decision 4)If revisions are recommended, take your time with them 5)Write a letter back to each of the referees 6)If rejected, take the referees’ advice… then resubmit
Recognised as the ‘gold standard’ in research – can count ‘twice’ for the REF – employers know this Most theses need revision before being publishable – and some publishers will be wary of a book based on a thesis Like the PhD, then, rather than the end, the thesis can be the beginning
Began the PhD in September 2005 Awarded PhD in March 2009 Submitted book proposal in Spring 2010 Book published in May 2012 So, if you want your book to be counted in the REF 2020 – so you can put this on job applications – you need a timetable/plan
A university press or a commercial outfit? -This is academia – and snobbery is endemic Could you fit into a particular series? What books have been published in the last three years? Does a certain publisher ‘do’ your type of history?
You must fill in a book proposal form (available on the publisher’s website), and usually submit some examples of writing Every proposal form seems to be different, but there are common elements -Description of scope and context -Why should the book be published? -Who is it aimed at? Who will buy it? -What is the competition like? -How long will it be, and when will it be completed?
Contacted editor at OUP with a brief description of the project – told there was no market for French history in the US Submitted proposal form to Chicago University Press, with covering letter, CV and writing sample - rejected Submitted proposal form to Manchester University Press, with covering letter, CV and writing sample – accepted Why was it accepted by MUP?
Keep the audience in mind – you may need to contextualise more so than you did in the thesis The opening chapter must be strong – a literature review is not appropriate Think about the flow of the text – you may no longer need all those examples that essentially make the same point! In any case, you should now write with more confidence Most publishers like notes to be kept to a minimum – but don’t sacrifice academic integrity for this Cut down on the theory/method sections – confine them mostly to the introduction/conclusion
Electronic Theses Online the British Library Swansea University is listed as a participating institution – CHECK if your thesis will be included!!! ‘EThOS aims to provide: Free access to the full text of as many theses as possible for use by all researchers to further their own research. Mandatory electronic deposit of newly awarded theses by its students’