By Randall Tom
What is Agave? Mostly found in Southwestern United states and Mexico Average stock length 8 meters long Leaves can grow up to 2 meters long Prefers warm climate Can live off little water
Misconceptions Not Aloe Not part of the cactus family
Indian uses (Food) Edible flowers Roast stalks Stalk produces sap which can be used as a sugar substitute Leaves used for source of fiber
Indian uses (Tools) Sharp spine used as needles Juices from leaves can be used for soap Pens String to sew
Indian uses (Medicinal) Leaf tea to treat constipation and excess gas Root tea used to treat arthritic joints
White uses Tequila Barbeque sauces Jellies and marmalade Breads Energy bars
Why should we care? Many of the products we use in our life are created from agave Shows that Indians are a good example on how to use maximize the use of their resources Shouldn’t be looked upon as “primitive”
Video 50 foot Agave plant 50 foot Agave plant
Works Cited Agave. 01 June Dozier, Deborah. Stalking the Wild Agave:. Banning: Malki Museum Press, Employee, Museum. Agave Randall Tom. 01 June Facts about Agave Syrup June 2009.