Nature from a hot air balloon
I dedicate this essay to my cousin Kim and her boyfriend Jeff who got on engaged on this hot air balloon
Hot air balloons allow you to see nature that you cant see from the ground
You can see a swamp
Or a shore
From a hot air balloon you can see a forest,
a river
or just a field
Nature is everywhere even in your backyard
Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier the men who built and flew the first hot air balloon but unfortunately they crashed after 20 minuets in a farmer’s field. According to our pilot. When they landed the farmer thought they were aliens so the farmer took them hostage but as soon as the Montgolfier gave the farmer a bottle of champagne the farmer new who they were and let them go so that was the start of the tradition of drinking champagne after a hot balloon flight. The hot balloon has evolved from the simple paper and silk balloon to rip stop or nylon balloon. The Montgolfier balloon would a fire burning inside the balloon so when the fire went out the balloon ride would be over but now in hot air balloons are powered by industrial burners and even if the gas runs out balloons are required by law to have an extra tank. Hot air balloons are a great way to see the world from above unlike airplanes it is open so you can have a better view. When I went to Kissimmee, Florida I went in a hot air balloon with my aunt, uncle, cousin and her boyfriend. Me and my family had a magical time not only because of the view ( you can see Disney and Orlando) but because my Cousin Kim and Her boyfriend Jeff got engaged on the hot air balloon and made this trip special for them and our whole family.