SWG1 3 Society m smgla Glas Gow
1250+ EVENTS 115 Countries Global/local organizers
Chris Before: Developer / product manager - AMEE Now: Co-organiser & cofounder - Cleanweb UK Founder - Product Science Ltd
Captain Howdy on b3ta:
‘The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads… That sucks.’
“Cleanweb innovators use web technology to fight climate change, and build a more sustainable and resilient future”
TransportEnergyLogisticsBuildings Internet of Things Internet of Things Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Social Media Social Media
Glorious leader and his minions
JURY Andrew Mitchell CleanWeb Factory Ltd Fiona Godsman CEO, Scottish Institute for Enterprise ` Stuart Deed Director, The Launch Point Limited Jamie Coleman Managing Director, TechCube Pippa Gardner Project Manager, TSB Future Cities Demonstrator Rohan Gunatillake Director, 21awake
speakerS Chris Adams Co-organiser, Cleanweb UK Lucy Brown Engagement Co-ordinator, Open Glasgow Sean Lightheart Marketing Manager, CO2 Estates Luke Nicholson Director of CarbonCulture
PRIZES 2 tickets to Dublin Web Summit 3 months free TechCube 3 months free SocietyM 3 business club memberships Tickets to energy and informatics conference Bike workshop UX tool Best positive environmental impact Best positive local environmental impact Most likely to change behavior for an environmental good Most commercially sustainable Most technically innovative Best low carbon innovation Most learning demonstrated (ie. by the team over the weekend) Community choice Best overall
Important!!!! The Way you pitch = Who you Are & who you attract