Click to proceed iProcurement requirement for Account Generator was…. To auto-populate maximum possible segments in Accounting flexfield for iProcurement Requisition Line. Remaining segments like cost centre should be entered by the users themselves. Problem with iProc functionality was.. If account generator does not return values for all the segments, then Self Service iProc blanks out even those segments for which Account Generation workflow could derive a value. Hence the user was presented with blank Account Segments Although Core Purchasing screen supports partial population of segments through workflow, but iProc screen does not support this. So? How do we take this forward???….click on..
Oracle was insisting that iProc is not designed to support partial population of segment values and hence P1/bug was not acceptable. The workaround details I implemented is described as below :- Issue 1. iProc does not support partial population of segment values. 2. But, iProc does support usage of "Account Generator Workflow" so as to populate all the segments in Accounting Flexfield. 3. Our requirement is to force user entering "Cost Centre" and "Activity", but at the same time to default the remaining segment values in COA. Workaround 1. User will be made to enter "Cost Centre" and "Activity" for each requisition line, before the Account Gen workflow is executed. 2. These two segment values will be captured in Descriptive Flexfield columns. 3. Workflow will use these two segment values alongside category information to build the entire code combination. The bottom line is that users will enter Cost Centre & Activity prior to workflow being called, hence workflow will be able to build the entire account. Interested in the details of solution….. Click on….
Created this region using Self Service Framework Dictionary and User interface XML fileThe values in these segments were defaulted from iProc Profile Primary Account of the user. The user can override the values in these to fields. LOV is available These values are stored in Attribute8 and Attribute9 of Requisition Line. Attr8 and Attr9 are then passed on to Account Generation Workflow which builds the entire account using these two segments.
&subheaderTags; class=tabledata nowrap valign=top class=tabledata nowrap valign=top Following code goes into Self Service XML User Interface
Account generation Workflow is executed to build entire account using line category based defaults together with user entered Cost Centre
After the account has been built, the user can hit Back Browser button to change segment values. This will re-execute the account generation workflow. Optionally User may modify any segment value for the code combination provided GL security rules are not violated.
Additionally added descriptive Flexfields to store additional information. The PO Creation workflow was customized to transfer these values to PO_HEADERS_ALL.
The workflow bit shown below copies Cost Centre from Attribute column to help building the full account codes.
Any Question? Contact: Anil Passi Company : Go4Gold Management Limited Telephone: +44(0)