1 Reintegration and Post- Deployment Resilience Training for Civilians
Mission and Vision 2 Mission: Develop a strong, resilient workforce (Soldier and Civilians) through resiliency training. End state: Sustain a resilient workforce that stands shoulder to shoulder, able overcome challenges and bounce back from adversity
Task: Learn that deep beliefs may be operating when an emotion or reaction seems out of proportion to what you’re thinking in the heat of the moment. Conditions: Within a classroom/small group environment and 90 minute timeframe. Standards: Understand that self-awareness and integration training can assist in a civilians transition to home life. Task, Conditions, Standards 3
You have skills that helped you throughout the deployment These same skills will help you to transition home However, adapting these skills for home can be challenging Welcome Home 4
After returning home, civilians are usually happy to be back home but they may feel edgy and angry off… Combat Veteran’s Paradox 5
What does it mean to successfully transition home? Transition Home 6
What combat skills did you use during the deployment that helped you be resilient? Deployment Skills 7
Strength: Cohesion My coworkers and I are there for each other; I built relationships that will last a lifetime Re-establishing relationships back home takes time During the Deployment Back Home Strength 8
Strength: Sharing Experiences I can talk to my coworkers because they know what the deployment was like Friends and Family can support you better if they know something about what you’ve been through Strength During the Deployment Back Home 9
Strength: Discipline I can be relied upon to give (& take) orders and complete a task Family and friends make decisions together Strength During the Deployment Back Home 10
Strength: Emotional Control I am in control of my emotions Showing a range of appropriate emotions lets others know you care Strength During the Deployment Back Home 11
Strength: Being Responsible I take personal responsibility for failures and credit successes to the team Recognize that when bad things happen, there are many contributing factors Strength During the Deployment Back Home 12
Strength: Accountability I maintain control to ensure things are done correctly Accepting that others do things differently and I can’t control what they do Strength During the Deployment Back Home 13
Strength: Tactical Awareness I am alert to dangers in the environment The level of threat is different at home; it takes time to learn to relax Strength During the Deployment Back Home 14
Strength: Targeted Aggression Focused aggression kept me pumped up and alert so I could handle danger Anger is normal after deployment and I know how to keep it in check Strength During the Deployment Back Home 15
What other personal strengths and skills do you have to help you transition home? Identify Strengths in Self 16
Hunt the good stuff Practice humor –The dream vs. the reality Optimism and Humor 17
Don’t judge yourself critically –Accept your reactions Typical reactions get better over time –Sleep problems –Discomfort in crowds –Edginess –Others? Don’t try to suppress memories ive Keep it in Perspective 18
Acknowledge that Family/friends have also been through the deployment –Use “Active Constructive Responding” –Reinforce their success by asking for details –Celebrate your Family’s success Talk to Family/friends about changes Relationships 19
How have you grown from the deployment? Personal Growth 20
Thank you for your service and Welcome Home! Welcome Home! 21
22 Questions
AAR What went well What can be improved