By: Ana Luisa Oviedo A.
ENGLISH is used in many countries — originally Britain - then the countries that started off as colonies, dominions, and protectorates of Britain. It is now used, to varying extents and to various degrees of proficiency, in the rest of the world. The native English-speaking countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States) and those in which English is used to a large extent (India, Malaysia, Fiji, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Uganda, etc.) each have their brand of English. Even then, these different Englishes are generally intelligible to the users of English at large.
Pronunciation: Herb (herb/erb) schedule (skedule/shedule) fertile (fertail/fertil) Look at some of the differences:
Spelling: Programme/program realise/realize centre/center jewellery/jewelry Favourite/favorite
Spelling: Waggon/wagon marvellous/marvelous counselling/counseling theatre/theater Furore/furor colour/color analyse/analyze cheque/check
Different words, same meaning: Solicitor/attorney/lawyer bill/check joking/kidding toilet/restroom boot / trunk groundnut/peanut
Different words, same meaning: letter-box/mailbox taxi/cab maize/corn pavement/sidewalk tap/faucet rubbish/garbage petrol/gasoline
Different words, same meaning: flat/apartment lift/elevator Autumn/Fall Trousers/pants holiday/vacation queue/line
Thanks By: Ana Luisa Oviedo A.