Toshiba Corporation.
Semiconductor A semiconductor is a material that has electrical conductivity between those of a conductor and an insulator. Semiconductor devices include the transistors, many kinds of diodes and digital and analog integrated circuits. The most common devices that use semiconductor devices are laptops, PCs, cell phones, calculators, flash drives, digital cameras, radios, and MRIs etc. The most common material that used in semiconductor is Silicon.
Agenda History and Current & Future profile – Bilguun SWOT Analysis – Amarsanaa Global Market Analysis – Nick Competitors and Recommendations - Al
H istory Toshiba was founded by the merging of two companies, Tanaka Seizosho and Hakunetsusha, Tokyo, Japan, in Tanaka Engineering Works, was Japan's first manufacturer of telegraph equipment. Hakunetsusha was Japan's first producer of incandescent electric lamps. 1970, Toshiba started expending strongly by acquiring many heavy engineering and primary industry firms. In 1987, Toshiba was accused of illegally selling CNC milling machines used to produce very quiet submarine propellers to the Soviet Union. In 2004, Toshiba announced it would discontinue manufacturing traditional in-house cathode ray tube televisions. In 2008 Toshiba announced that it was to drop its format in the HD DVD.
Current Profile Toshiba is currently competing in 3 major industry fields Infrastructure-(Nuclear power plants, rail roads, etc) Consumer Products-(LCD-TV's, Digital phones, Pc’s, laptops, etc) Electronic devices and components- (Semiconductors, metal conductors, display technology, etc)
Future Profile Start investing in different semiconductor section Create more effective and cheaper semiconductors. Reduce cost of producing semiconductor Continuously develop the nuclear power plant industry
Toshiba’s Current Income’s From it’s Subsidiaries.
SWOT Analysis Strengths Diversity of Toshiba Expanding Pc market Brand recognition Advanced technological capabilities Weaknesses Long term debt Lack of advertisement
SWOT Analysis Opportunity Growing global semiconductor market Global Expansion Threats Intense competition Weak economy
Global Semiconductor Market Dominated by Japan, US, South Korea & Taiwan Major global semiconductor companies include: Intel, Toshiba, Sony, IBM, Samsung, NEC, & Texas Instruments Intel is 1 st, Samsung 2 nd, Toshiba 3rd, and Texas Instruments 4 th in global semiconductor revenue.
Worldwide Semiconductor Revenue Forecast
Market Watch Semiconductor market expects a 17% sales drop from Quarter to the current 1 st Quarter 2009 1 st decline in semiconductor sales since 2001 Expected to regain growth in 2010 up 7.4% and up 7.5% in 2011
Worldwide Semiconductor Revenues
Three Top Competitors Intel Samsung Texas Instruments
Intel Founded on July 16, 1968, based in Santa Clara, California Majority of business was SRAM and DRAM memory chips until the early 1980’s Intel makes 3255 types of semiconductor Intel working on using heat from a persons body to recharge cell phones Intel’s revenue for 2008, from semiconductor sales, $33.8 billion, decline of.5 % from 2007
Samsung 1983 produced its first 64K DRAM Samsung is the second in the world for making semiconductors Today the company makes 14,465 types of semiconductors 2005 became largest manufacturer of liquid crystal display panels 2006 Samsung and Sony established joint venture for LCD panels Samsung owns 51%, Sony 49 %, factories in Tangjung, S. Korea 2008 largest manufacturer of DRAM chips, flash memory, and optical storage devices Revenue $20,464 billions
Texas Instruments (TI) Company based in Dallas, Texas Number 4 in the world for manufacturing semiconductors (makes 66,967 different types of semiconductors) Revenue for TI was $11,768 billion Number 1 producer of digital signal processor’s, and top supplier of chips for cellular handsets In 2008 listed at 185 on the Fortune 500
Recommendations Short Term Improve market research & advertising Continue expanding internationally Reduce the manufacturing cost
Recommendation Long Term Seek opportunities for new joint venture to maximize profit and efficiency Reduce the debt
Conclusion Bilguun gave brief explanation of semiconductors, history, current & future profile. Amar covered the SWOT analysis. Nick explained the Global Market Analysis. I covered the competitors, and made recommendations for the company.