Introduction to Light
Sources of light What sources of light can you think of? Can you distinguish between “luminous” and “non-luminous” objects? Which is the Sun? The Moon?
INCANDESCENCE Light caused by heating up a material lightbulbs burning fuel
LUMINESCENCE Light from unheated objects There are many different types …
fluorescence Light is emitted by substances when exposed to electromagnetic radiation More complicated: gas particles emit UV light, which make a phosphor emit light fluorescent lightbulbs
phosphorescence The ability to store energy from a source of light and then emit it slowly over a long period Like florescence, but slower glow-in-the-dark items
electric discharge Light is produced by passing electricity through the air or another gas lightning neon signs
chemiluminescence Light produced from a chemical reaction without a rise in temperature glow sticks luminol Bioluminescence is a natural form
nuclear fusion Light is released when hydrogen atoms are pressed together to form helium the sun!