Characteristics of People With Self-Confidence
A good, true, and positive self- concept produces self-confidence in us. Self-confidence comes from:
1.Knowing yourself 2.Accepting yourself 3.Having regard for your gifts and talents
Let’s look at some of the characteristics of people who have a positive self-concept that results in self- confidence: 1. They take risks,such as talking to someone you don’t know 2.They’re not afraid to try new ideas 3. They’re willing to put their time and energy into their ideas. 4. They are concerned about others, because they are not focused on themselves. 5. They are more likely to persist on difficult tasks, seeing them through until completion.
What if Flip Flippen had been lacking self- confidence when he came up with the idea for Teen Leadership? What if he had let his insecurities keep him from taking action on his idea? What if he had listened to those who kept telling him that it would never work… that schools would never accept it? What if he had let some of the setbacks along the way keep him from seeing it through?
The success of our country is built on people with a strong self-concept… resulting in self- confidence. Successful people have the same struggles that all people have. I know that Flip has the same fears and insecurities as others, but he doesn’t allow those fears to cripple him! Successful people face those fears because they draw on their beliefs and convictions about themselves and the world around them.
10 Rules For Staying Positive
Rule 1 Wait to Worry
“Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of it’s sorrow, but only empties today of its strength”-Charles Spurgeon The average worrier is 92% inefficient-only 8% of what we worry about ever comes true People seldom, if ever, are destroyed by what happens on a particular day. What really does us in is our worry about what might happen tomorrow…and when we think of it, no crisis has ever happened in the future. Wait until you actually have a reason to worry- something that was happening, not something that might happen. Don’t cross the river until you get there. Wait!