ECA Venue Booking BY SSH
Who is in charge of the different bookings Changing of classroom / extra class for Academic purposes Lecturer Available to help book? No Yes Lecturer can go directly to Academic Services Department (ASD) to book Students have to come Student Services Hub (SSH) to fill up Venue Booking form 5 days prior to date. Takes about 3 – 4 days to process. So if it is during office hours, shouldn’t be a problem. If too last minute, can only tell which room is available but unable to book
Booking for Extra-Curriculum Activities (ECA) There are a total of 4 main forms for ECA depending on what is needed: Form A : Proposal - Needed for all events except for Academic purposes - Only one copy is needed for one event, even if there are multiple venue booking forms Form B : Sponsorship - Needed only if necessary - 1 st approval from Ms May Kuan, 2 nd approval from SRC Venue Booking - For meetings during office hours, booking have to be done at least 7 working days beforehand - For meetings after office hours, booking have to be done at least 10 working days beforehand - Events that are during office hours but includes physical arrangement, booking have to be done at least 10 working days beforehand Any late submissions can be ignored Report - After every event, this is needed to be hand back to SSD as record. - Weekly trainings and Academic related do not need this - For both internal & external events, this is needed as long as it is related to ECA
Form A : Proposal Objective of having this event What will be done during the proposed event Additional points that students want to bring up
Form B : Sponsorship Rough details must be written for approval. - If not sure about the amount, please see the person-in-charge of ECA in SSD
ECA Booking Form For IT equipment, students have to liaise with ITS For all physical arrangements and equipment, student have to liaise with FMA Estimated number of people participating, needed especially for allocation of room
Report -For Booth events, number of people helped in manning the booth -For events like talks or meeting, number of people that attended the event, including committee -Outcome of the event -For fundraising, net profit raised and where is the fund used is needed -From the student’s prospective, what did they learn throughout the event and what could be improved
ECA Booking Flow Sending in of Venue Booking FormSSH send request to Departments involved 2 weeks prior Confirmation of Booking 1 day 2 – 3 Working day Processing of Venue Booking Form Will call after processing Students to collect form and pass to FMA for approval 1 week before event
Atrium & Driveway Terms for Different Venue Booking Venue booking forms have to be filled and hand in 2 weeks prior to the event Multiple events can book the venue at the same time but it is first come first serve basis. The bookings that come later have to liaise with the events that booked earlier for the area that they will be using. Even if event is booked, if there are any major IMU events, student / club events might need to be cancelled. For events/orientations, come to SSH to make a booking using the Venue Booking form. Once booked, the form will be brought to FMA for approval & acknowledgement
Outside Library Terms for Different Venue Booking Venue booking forms have to be filled and hand in 2 weeks prior to the event. A maximum of 3 bookings are allowed at this area. First come first serve basis. There are designated tables that students are allowed to use (Illustration on next slide). If there are no other clubs using the other tables, the existing clubs are allowed to use the other black top tables. Otherwise, each club are only allowed to use ONE table. Carpeted areas are STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED Once booked, Students will bring the to FMA for approval of the booking.
Outside Library Terms for Different Venue Booking FUNDRAISING for food selling especially food preparation on-site Please ensure cleanliness and tidiness of the person serving (i.e. tied hair, wearing of gloves,etc) to avoid any complains like hair drop etc.
Outside Library Terms for Different Venue Booking Atrium 2 1 Library Entrance 3 Stairs to 4 th Floor Medical Museum
Open Area Terms for Different Venue Booking Open areas are Outside Ricoh (1 st floor) Outside Cengkih Corner (2 nd Floor) Outside Auditorium (4 th Floor) Outside LT3 (4 th Floor) Venue booking forms have to be filled and hand in 2 weeks prior to the event. Open Areas can only be booked for after office hours (5pm onwards) as Students and staff may be using the areas during office hours. Once booked, Students will bring the to FMA for approval of the booking.
Done through Online Booking System. (Steps are shown in the following slides) Day of booking allowed Green Zone : Monday – Friday Multipurpose Court : Monday – Sunday Period of booking in advance for both GZ & MC Casual Games : 1 Month (No booking form is needed) Events (i.e. Orientation, IMU Cup) : 3 Months in advance (Have to discuss with SSH / SRC Sports Rep and fill the ECA Booking Form) If the person that books (organiser) does not show up 20 minutes after the time of booking, other students are allowed to use the venue. If there are any issues, organiser will have to settle with the group that is using. Any enquiries can be directed to SRC Sports Rep, or Green Zone (GZ) & Multipurpose Court (MC) Terms for Different Venue Booking
Green Zone (GZ) & Multipurpose Court (MC) Terms for Different Venue Booking
Green Zone (GZ) & Multipurpose Court (MC) Terms for Different Venue Booking Click the court you wish to book
Green Zone (GZ) & Multipurpose Court (MC) Terms for Different Venue Booking Click the courts you wish to book again.
Green Zone (GZ) & Multipurpose Court (MC) Terms for Different Venue Booking Choose any time slot. Booked Time Slot
Double Confirm the court you book and the timeslot. Fill in your details Green Zone (GZ) & Multipurpose Court (MC) Terms for Different Venue Booking
Green Zone (GZ) & Multipurpose Court (MC) Terms for Different Venue Booking Click Book now p/s. If you are from Organizing committee, eg. ME215 orientation committee, please fill in “ME215 orientation Committee” in the “clubs” slot.
Green Zone (GZ) & Multipurpose Court (MC) Terms for Different Venue Booking Confirmation Page. Click for making 2 nd reservation
Confirmation will be sent to your address. Please show this address to the guards with your student ID upon reaching the courts You can show the from your phone as well! Green Zone (GZ) & Multipurpose Court (MC) Terms for Different Venue Booking
Green Zone (GZ) & Multipurpose Court (MC) Terms for Different Venue Booking Student ID Number Date and Time. What you need to bring upon reaching the courts!
Lecture Rooms & Auditorium Terms for Different Venue Booking Venue booking forms have to be filled and hand in 1 weeks prior to the event if event is during office hours (8am – 5pm). 2 weeks prior to the event if event is after office hours (5om onwards) STRICTLY NO FOOD & DRINKS in these venues Food for Welcoming Parties, etc. have to be served at Open Areas or Driveway Once booked, Students will bring the to FMA for approval of the booking.
If there are any enquiries, feel free to drop by SSH and clear the doubt. Make things clear and all goes well. CHEERS!! ^^