Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Bioinformatics Improvements/Bluearc Storage
In the beginning…
Early steps to save the data Archived years of data off instrument workstations Received permission to “cyber-squat” on Crowe’s personal lab server for a few years Daily to weekly archiving procedure to store condensed, archive formatted data More of an emergency measure, not meant to be a real solution Poor model for customer satisfaction, lab workflow
May 2009 VICC Review Bioinformatics identified as a weakness Instructed to work with the VICC Bioinformatics Core (Masys) No financial support = no progress We did not have the money to do this ourselves at the time
March 2011 Crowe server ending it’s usable life span Bluearc space became available Data transferred to Bluearc, external drives Still no automation, no easy user access
August 2011 Office of Research internal funding opportunity We proposed to develop a better bioinformatics program for our Core-accepted! Scott Sobecki, Bioinformatics Core Developed software to “sniff out” new data, upload to server Developed Web Portal for user access to data Programmers kept getting recruited away from the project
Current Bioinformatics Model
Web Portal
Entering a PI
Entering a User to a PI
Access Control PI’s can see the data from anyone “under” them Users can only see their own data
Future Challenges How well is it really working? Only works with some internet browsers currently The good old Mac vs. PC issue is alive and well(even on intel macs) How long do we keep the data?
Thanks To the Office of Research for their support The Bioinformatics Core (Scott and Programmers) Matt Cox for implementation as well Our users for their patience My staff for all the hard work