GIS and Remote Sensing Image data availability and incorporation into GIS C. Prietzsch The University of Texas, Department of Geological Sciences, Austin
Spatial data retrieval zRemote sensing measurements of surface characteristics èsurface hydrology èsoil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer zlarge area assessment èspatial data ètemporal repetition
Overview zdata use in hydrological applications zsatellite systems zimage processing example zsoftware and data exchange znew developments
Parameter retrieval for Hydrology State variables zsurface temperature zsurface soil moisture Other spatial data zland use categories zvegetation biomass zsurface roughness zDEM Secondary parameters z regions of varying ET z ground water recharge and discharge zones z storm runoff contribution z hydrologic properties of soils z spatial pollution
Available remote sensing systems I Optical scanners spectrometers and altimeters
Available remote sensing systems II
Future remote sensing systems
Future radar systems
Data exchange with GIS zdecision for raster or vector GIS or hybrid systems zdata quantization and volume zfull exchange of geometry (e.g. regions) and attribute table? zhandling of complex data formats (HDF, CDF)?
Spatial data resolution problem ztrade-off pixel size vs. spatial coverage zquantization and data volume zdata merge from different sources zgrid displacement in time zinformation content of different resolutions zraster-vector conversion
Information loss & pixel resolution zspatial statistics to analyze information loss zsee poster P1.8 zFragstats for raster data (free) zFragstats for vector data by Innovative GIS Inc, Fort Collins, CO 800m1600m 2400m
Image processing software and portability of formats zARC/Info GRIDvarious basic raster formats, tif, sun, gis, lan, img, bil, bip, bsq, grass, adrg, rlc zArcview ERDAS lan, img, grid, tif zERDAS IMAGINEArc/info live link, no conversion needed zPCI EASI PACEArc/Info GeoGateway for multiple formats zENVI/IDLimports shapefiles, e00, dxf, USGS, SDTS, dlg, exportsArcView grid, uses own vector format zERMAPPERvarious raster formats, import of dxf and SeisWorks, uses own vector format zother packages: TNT, IDRISI, ILWIS...
Image processing steps zgeometric and radiometric correction zatmospheric correction zsubsetting, mosaic, enhancement zgeo-coding (map projection, spheroid, units) zparameter extraction (multivariate statistics, regression model, physical model etc.) zpost-processing (filtering, grouping, data reduction) zRaster GIS: focal or global operations zhybrid GIS: zonal/region-based operations, spatial statistics
Raster data or hybrid GIS analysis zGlobal or focal analysis yfind contiguous pixels yeliminate data by area ysearch for raster layer combinations ydefine rules for overlay analysis ypixel comparisons between images zzonal operations yspatial statistics in defined polygon overlays ydescriptives, diversity, proximity, neighborhood etc. Soil moisture and soil texture overlay
Atmospheric Correction zLANDSAT-TM without and with atmospheric correction
Soil moisture retrieval from SAR Image processing steps zslant range correction zspeckle reduction (multi- looking) zinversion modeling (physical model) to obtain soil dielectric constant zconversion of into %Vol with 3rd order polynomial (e.g. Topp et al. 1991) zgrouping into 5% classes zraster-to-vector conversion or raster use in GIS %Vol
Processing level of remote sensing data zraw data from the satellite zsystem corrected, calibrated, geo-coded, terrain corrected zatmospheric correction for optical data zthematic evaluations (land use, NDVI, rainfall etc.) zEXA-Byte tape, CD-ROM zmost commercial data formats are read by software zgeneric binary format BSQ, BIL
Data providers zEROS Data Center, zRADARSAT Int., zEOSAT, zESA/ESRIN, zEURIMAGE, zNCDC, z...
3-D Visualization and analysis zERDAS IMAGINE Virtual GIS, zESRI ArcView 3D Analyst, zCLR PolyTRIM Polygonal Toolkit for Representation, Interaction and Modelling, zWooleysoft Visual Explorer 98 zCIRAD AMAP Advanced Modeler of the Architecture of Plants for SGI, GrowthEngine, Texture, Terrain, Landmaker, Animation, zTerraVision Artificial Intelligence Center, zINTERGRAPH MGE Terrain Modeler, MGE Geologic Analyst, MGE Kriging Modeler, MGE Voxel Analyst, MGE ModelView, zQuestar Productions World Construction Set, zERMapper, zKonrad Zuse Center for Informationtechnology Berlin Amira,
Summary zRemote sensing data provide large area spatial data for GIS analysis and modeling zbasic thematic products are available zimage processing and model coupling is often needed to retrieve quantitative data zcommercial software for combined evaluation is widely available zdata merge should be done carefully