The Three Elements of Exposure Understanding f/stop, shutter speed, and ISO
What is exposure? Definition 1: the amount of light it takes to produce a printable image on the negative (film) Definition 2: the actual taking of the photo
Understanding exposure ISO Aperture (f/stop) Shutter speedExposure
Negative and Positive
Exposure Factor 1: ISO ISO Aperture (f/stop) Shutter speed
Exposure Factor 1: ISO International Standard Organization Measures film speed What is film speed?
Film speed is not…
Film speed is…. The sensitivity of the film to light.
Film Speed, cont’d The higher the ISO number, the more sensitive the film is to light. ISO 50ISO 100ISO 200ISO 400ISO 800ISO 1600 ISO 3200 ISO 6400 SlowMedium Fast Ultrafast Needs more light *this is the film speed we use Needs less light
Film Speed, cont’d Film speed also determines grain. ISO 50ISO 100ISO 200ISO 400ISO 800ISO 1600 ISO 3200 ISO 6400 SlowMedium Fast Ultrafast Fine grain Medium grain Coarse grain
Film speed, cont’d Fine grain Coarse grain
How do you manipulate film speed?