S ustainable and C leaner Production in the Manufacturing I ndustries of Pak istan SCI-Pak March FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION
S ustainable P roduction Sustainable Activity/Development without exhausting natural resources or causing severe ecological/environmental damage Sustainable Production Production with minimizing the use of natural resources, toxic metals and emissions of wastes and pollutants and protecting communities over the life cycle (all stages)
SWITCH Asia New regional environmental programme aiming to promote the adoption of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) among SMEs and consumer groups in Asia. 1- Re-tie Bangladesh 2- Electric and Electronic China 3- Electric Motor System China 4- Supp-Urb China 5- Train the Trainers China 6- Sustainable Textile India 7- Green Products Mongolia 8- Lokta Handmade Paper Nepal 9- SCI-Pak Pakistan 10- Food and Beverage Sri Lanka 11- Key Export Sectors Sri Lanka 12- Rattan, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia 13- Sustainable and Responsible Trade China, India and Vietnam 14- MEET BIS Vietnam 15- UNIDO CSR Vietnam
General Contracting AuthorityEuropean Commission FrameworkSWITCH Asia Programme Contract NoPK/ASIA-INVEST II/ASIE/2008/ Consortium1- ttz Bremerhaven Germany (Lead) 2- CSCP (Centre on Sustainable Consumption & Production) 3- CPI 4- IHT (Iqbal Hamid Trust) Industrial SectorsLeather & Textile Processing Target GroupsTextile Processing & Leather Industries (SMEs), Industrial Associations, Government Policy Making and Financial Institutes, Industrial Equipment Manufactures, Educational Institutes, European Manufacturers/Training Institutes New regional environmental programme of EC aiming to promote the adoption of SCP among SMEs & consumer groups in ASIA
Specific Objective To develop a model for Sustainable Production through the implementation of a range of Energy and Resource Efficiency (E&RE) Initiatives in the textile and tannery sectors in Pakistan, with the potential to adapt these initiatives to other manufacturing industries in the long term (e.g. sugar, paper, steel re-rolling etc)
Overall Objectives 1- To improve the energy and resource efficiency (E&RE) of Pakistan textile and tannery industries along the complete process chain 2-To increase the technical capacity and know how of Pakistani textile and tannery industries and promote local technologies 3-To minimize Pakistan’s contribution to Greenhouse Gas Emissions and enhance the share of renewable energy technologies 4-To widen the scope of Sustainable Production (SP) at the local, national and international levels 5-To create an enabling environment for promoting Sustainable Production amongst the targeted industrial sectors 6-To strengthen links between EU and Pakistan research and industry from the technology to the policy level
Major Activities ActivityLead Partner 1) Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of textile sectorsCPI
Major Activities ActivityLead Partner 1) Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of leather sectorsCPI
Raw Material Water Consumption Energy Comsumption Land Use Wastewater Generation Health Effects On Cotton Pickers Noise Cotton Dust Fire Injuries General Working Conditions Social Security Training And Education Human Rights Living Wages TEXTILE CHAIN HOT SPOTS
Major Activities Activity INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS (IEMS) 2) Capacity assessment of the local equipment manufacturers (IEMs) IHT 3) Preparation of training materials and coordination for conducting trainings in Europe (ttz) 4) Implementation of trainings (ttz)
Major Activities ActivityLead Partner TECHNICAL COURSES 5) Preparation of technology courses and enabling educational institutes to conduct it IHT 6) Partnership between educational institutes and IEMs and SMEsIHT
Major Activities ActivityLead Partner PILOT INITIATIVES 7) Design and structure of five Pilot Initiatives (PI)ttz 8) Preparation of business case for PIIHT 9) Training of IEMs/SMEs and preparation of Clean Development Mechanism Project Design Document for each PI CPI 10) Implementation and monitoring of PIsCPI
Major Activities Contact Info Home | About SCI- Pak | Resources | Database | CDM | eLearning Contact InfoHomeAbout SCI- PakResourcesDatabaseCDMeLearning ActivityLead Partner SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION NETWORK 11) Best practice collection on Sustainable Production (SP) Network CSCP 12) Establishment and development of Sustainable Production (SP) Network IHT 13) Development of web portal and database integrating the SP networkttz 14) Monitoring and evaluation of the SP NetworkIHT
Major Activities ActivityLead Partner PRODUCT STANDARDIZATION 15) Assessment of environmental standardization potential and needs CPI 16) Facilitation of links between SMEs and EU Environmental Standards organizations CSCP
Major Activities ActivityLead Partner FINANCIAL INSTITUTES & IND. ASSOCIATIONS 17) Development of capacity building material for financial sectors and industrial associations CSCP 18) Development of policy initiatives to facilitate and promote enabling environment for the financial sector CSCP 19) Capacity building for the Pakistani financial networkIHT 20) Capacity building and training for industrial associationsCPI
Major Activities ActivityLead Partner POLICY MAKING ORGANIZATIONS 21) Best practice collection on effective SME policy framework in Europe CSCP 22) Survey of current SME policy framework in PakistanCSCP 23) Stakeholder consultation for effective policy frameworkCSCP 24) Contact and integration of key policy organizations and government departments IHT 25) Development of new or modification of existing policy framework for enhancing SP initiatives CPI
Major Activities ActivityLead Partner DISSEMINATION 26) Creation of project website ( ttz 27) Development of specific dissemination methodologies and material ttz 28) Strategy for engaging multipliers and monitoring of transfer of knowledge/multiplier effects IHT 29) Implementation of workshops, seminars and events to involve and inform multiple industries CPI 30) Development of a strategy for exploitation of the results at the national and international level CPI
Web Portal Links to Existing Network National NetworksFinancial Sector Associations Edu. Institutions SMEs EU Standard Organizations Policy Dialogue Prov. Govt. Deptt. MOE+PEPA Private stakeholders Educational Institution Int. Institution Sustainable Production Network Policy Reforms Pilot Projects LCA Tech. Transfer Technology Capacity Assessment DISSEMINATION
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