Government of Jammu & Kashmir School Education Department National Programme of Mid Day Meal scheme in Schools
School Education setup Geographical Regions03 Districts22 Educational Zones201 Total Schools (Govt.+Pvt.)28,927 Total Enrolment (Govt.+Pvt.) (lacs) Literacy Rate Literacy rate as per Census 2001 Literacy rate as per Census 2011 Literacy Growth rate MaleFemaleTotalMaleFemaleTotalMaleFemaleTotal J&K Level National Level
Brief History The National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education (Commonly known as Mid Day Meal scheme) was started w.e.f and Cooked Meals (Khechri/Pulav) was served up to Class 5 th students in Initially, 5 Primary schools from each Education Zone were selected for the implementation of the scheme. During the scheme was closed up. Again, with the directions of the Hon ’ ble Supreme Court of India, the scheme was re-started in (September, 2004) in the J&K state as per revised guidelines of the Ministry of HRD. The recipe was allowed subject to availability of vegetables / Pulses and other ingredients/commodities. The scheme was extended upto Upper Primary Classes (VI-VIII) during in Educationally Backward Blocks and then for all Blocks w.e.f Dec
Main Objectives * To boost Universalization of Elementary Education (class I-V) by improving enrolment, attendance, retention, and learning levels of children, especially of those belonging to disadvantaged sections. * To improve nutritional status of students at Primary (Class I to V) and Upper stages (Class VI to VII).
Positive outcomes: 1. Elimination of Class room hunger. 2. Surge in daily attendance particularly of girls and children of weaker sections. 3. Social integration and communal harmony. 4. Parent’s involvement in the governance of the schools. 5. Involvement of PRIs/Villagers and District / block Authorities.
Existing Norms Foodgrains 100 gm per child per day for Primary and 150 gm per child per day for Upper Primary stage Cooking cost Rs for PS and Rs for UPS during the year Rs for PS and Rs for UPS proposed for the year with sharing pattern 75:25 (CS:SS) Honorarium to Cook Cum Helper Rs per Cook cum helper per month for 10 months Cost of foodgrains to FCIRs per MT Transportation Rs per MT (Rs per MT from FCI godown to CA & PD outlets and Rs per MT from CA & PD outlets to Schools) Kitchen Rs per school Const. of Kitchen sheds Taken up during 1.42 lacs and Rs lacs depending upon the size of the Kitchen shed based on the enrolment of the school.
INTER DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF MDM SCHEME ( General Administration Department ) State Level: 1.Chief Secretary, Jammu & Kashmir 2.Financial Commissioner, Consumer Affairs & Public Distribution Department. 3.Financial Commissioner, Finance Department. 4.Financial Commissioner, Planning Department. 5.Commr./Secretary to Govt. Education Department. 6.Secretary to Government Rural Dev. Department. Provisional Level : 1.Director, Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution Department, Jammu/Kashmir. 2.Divisional Level Officer of Food Corporation of India, Jammu/Kashmir. 3.Director, Rural Dev. Department, Jammu/Kashmir. 4.Director, School Education, Jammu/Kashmir. District Level : 1.District dev. Commissioner (concerned District) 2.Asstt. Commr. Development (concerned District) 3.Chief Educational Officer. (concerned District) 4.Asstt. Director, CA&PD. (concerned District) 5.Distt. Panchayat Officer. ( Ex-officio concerned District) 6.Executive Officer for the Scheme. (concerned District).
MONITORING COMMITTEES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF MDM (Education Department) Divisional Level: 1.One Joint Director from the respective Directorate. 2.One Field Advisor from respective SIEs to be nominated by Principal SIE 3.Dy. Director / Assistant Director (P&S) of the respective Directorate of School Education. 4.Accounts Officer, of the respective Directorate of School Education. District Level Committee: 1.Principal DIET of the respective District. 2.Dy. CEO/DEPO of the respective District. 3.One HOD DIET to be nominated by the Principal DIET of the respective District. Zonal Level: 1.One Principal of +2 Institution of the respective zone to be nominated by the Chief Education officer of the concerned District. 2.Zonal Education Officer (ZEO) of the respective Zone. 3.Zonal Education Planning Officer (ZEPO) of the respective Zone. 4.One DIET Lecturer to be nominated by the Principal DIET.
Review Upto ending Dec Mid Day Meal scheme
Stage Approved/Achievement for Jammu DivisionKashmir DivisionTotal Appr. Ach.(ending Dec.) Appr. Ach.(ending Dec.)Appr. Ach.(ending Dec.). No of Schools PS UPS Total No of Children PS UPS Total No of Cook cum Helpers Enganged/W orking PS UPS Total
Lifting of Foodgrains (Qty. in Mts) Region Allocation for the year Lift upto Dec Opening Balance as on Foodgrains available ending Dec (Col.4+Col.5) Quantity Consumed Closing Balance (Col.6-Col.7) Jammu Division Kashmir Division J&K State Cost of Foodgrains (CS) (Rs. in lacs) Region Allocation for the year Opening Balance as on Central Assistance Released ending Dec Bill raised by FCI Payment made to FCI Unspent Balance Jammu Division Kashmir Division J&K State
Cooking Cost (CS+SS) (Rs. in lacs) Region Allocation for the year Funds Released Expenditure Unspent Balance CSSSTotalCSSSTotalCSSSTotalCSSSTotal Jammu Division Kashmir Division J&K State Honorarium to Cooks (CS+SS) (Rs. in lacs) Region Allocation for the year Funds Released ending Dec Expenditure ending Dec Unspent Balance CSSSTotalCSSSTotalCSSSTotalCSSSTotal Jammu Division Kashmir Division J&K State
Transportation Cost (CS) (Rs. in lacs) Region Allocation for the year Opening Balance as on Central Assistance Released ending Dec Expenditure incurred Unspent Balance Jammu Division Kashmir Division J&K State Management, Monitoring & Evaluation- MME (CS) (Rs. in lacs) Region Allocation for the year Opening Balance as on Central Assistance Released ending Dec Expenditure incurred Unspent Balance J&K State
Const. of Kitchen cum store Region Total no. of schools Total allocation from to Compleated NoAmt in lacsNoAmt in lacs Jammu Division Kashmir Division Total Procurement of Kitchen Devices District Total no. of schools Total allocation from to Compleated NoAmt in lacsNoAmt in lacs Jammu Division Kashmir Division Total
Proposal – Mid Day Meal scheme
ItemStage Proposed Beneficiaries for Jammu Division Kashmir Division Total No of Schools PS UPS Total No of Children PS UPS Total No of Cook cum Helpers PS UPS Total Proposed Beneficiaries for
ItemStage Proposed Requirement for Jammu DivisionKashmir DivisionTotal Foodgrains ( in MTs) PS UPS Total Cost of foodgrains ( Rs. in lacs) PS UPS Total Transportation cost ( Rs. in lacs) PS UPS Total MME ( Rs. in lacs) PS UPS Total Balance requirement of Kitchen Devices(No’s) Total Proposed Requirement for
ItemStage Proposed Requirement for Jammu DivisionKashmir DivisionTotal CSSS Total CSSSTotalCSSSTotal Cooking cost ( Rs. in lacs PS UPS Total Honorarium to Cooks ( Rs. in lacs) PS UPS Total