Raising a 21 st Century Learner; Shining a Light on the Technology Native Presented by Leslie Watnik MA/MST, PD/SDA, Parent.


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Presentation transcript:

Raising a 21 st Century Learner; Shining a Light on the Technology Native Presented by Leslie Watnik MA/MST, PD/SDA, Parent

As parents and teachers we are training our children to: Create Think Analyze Evaluate And to train for jobs that don’t exist yet

Technology in the Course of Their Day: Create projects Consume Blog Share information Text message Instant message Write s iChat Video conferencing Digital story telling Digital photography Listen to digitally generated music Gaming

What does that mean???

Why our kids need the World Wide Web ( The web takes children to far off places and exposes them to sights and sounds not normally seen. The web can provide relevant activities that enhance learning and imagination. The web provides a powerful research tool where students have easy access to myriad of resources. No matter what their profession, technology will be involved.

“It’s 10 p.m. Do you know where your children are?” Computers can never be “Cyber-sitters” It is best to place computers in the more public areas of your home Keep an “Open Door” policy if computers are in bedrooms Talk to your children, set limits- time, sites they visit, proper netiquette Give children words to help them when they are with friends Check the history of your computers to see where your children have gone

Usernames and Passwords Do not accidently give out personal information by using names or birthdates in your child’s username Keep a record of all of your children’s usernames and passwords to all online subscriptions Children need to know that the same rules that apply in public apply in cyberspace If a stranger comes up on the screen they should run and tell an adult If anyone ever says anything unkind or inappropriate they should tell an adult They should never speak to strangers Stay out of chat rooms that are on kids’ sites

Sites Don’t Ask for Proof of Age Do not assume that a site geared towards children only has children visiting the site Predators know how to disguise themselves Usernames can give predators information about your child that can be used to engage a child in conversation

What can happen if you don’t set limits? Your child can run the risk of communicating with predators Your child can run the risk of being cyberbullied Your child could become a cyberbully

Did you know… According to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, law enforcement can get your information. The parents of Cyberbullies may be liable for the mental health and emotional damages caused by their child to another child. If the cyberbullys’ parents are aware of the situation or have received a letter of complaint, then they have “knowledge and notice” of harmful activity. By paying for the telephone bill and internet charges in their home – they are legally responsible for the acts of their children while on the computer and in their care. Parents can be sued for damages.

And now for a lesson on Social Networking Sites… How many of you have heard of FaceBook? How many of you have a child with a FaceBook account? How many of you have your own account? How many of you are friends with your children?

How to help them stay in control….. Get your own account so you can learn about FaceBook from the inside Check your child’s Friend list to see who has access to his or her profile Have your child remove inappropriate content, photos, or any personal information Check your child’s friends’ sites to see if there is anything inappropriate about your child Suggest the use of avatars instead of photos Stress staying in control of their words

Text Speak = Net Lingo Terms you already might know:

Terms you need to know:

The best Internet filter is you. But if you need a little help…


