Scaling and sustaining change Nick Bland Co-Director, What Works Scotland Aberdeen Community Planning Partnership Board 6 July
Background Review of the research evidence on ‘scaling- up innovation’: – 175 studies reviewed: international and cross- sectoral Drawing out the common findings from this diverse evidence base
‘Scale-up’ & spread This is a particular approach to change: – But is it less risky? More liable to success? It focuses on clearly-bounded small-scale innovation, identified as ‘successful’: – Is there clarity about the boundary? – A clear and shared understanding of the success? – What works, for who, how and in what context?
The scaling process This is a complex, non-linear process of change: – It needs preparation, time, sustained commitment and resources Need a clear understanding and assessment of the new social and organisational setting – Readiness? Compatibility? There must be a robust focus on the ‘core elements’, but scope for necessary adaptation to suit new context A shared and common understanding and belief – ‘heads and hearts’ Support staff in the new context – not passive recipients of change
Leadership Distributed leadership; across levels and between partners Collaboration and networking, knowledge exchange Infrastructure that fits with size and complexity Generating an ‘innovation narrative’ The impact on staff