Journal Topic: Distrust of Government American citizens are perhaps the most skeptical (untrusting) and critical people in the world when it comes to their government. Why do you think Americans are so skeptical and critical of government?
Cornell Notes Unit: Revolution Topic: Articles of Confederation/Federalists and Anti-Federalists Guiding Questions: What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? What were the major positions of the first political parties, the Federalists and Anti-Federalists?
I. Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation A. No Power to Regulate Commerce B. Weak Dollar no uniform currency C. No power to levy taxes D. No power to raise a strong army E. Essentially a weak alliance Painting by John Trumbell of Members of the Continental Congress signing the Declaration of Independence July 4, In 1777, this group drafted the Articles of Confederation.
II. Federalists vs. Anti- Federalists Federalists –Hamilton –Strong Central Gov’t. –National Bank –Federal System Anti-Federalists –Jefferson –State’s Rights –Bill of Rights –Checks and Balances Hamilton Jefferson
Critical Reading for Hamilton and Jefferson Quotes Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson were respected leaders in the debate to create a new government under the Constitution. Read the selected quotes from each man once to gain a general understanding of their ideas. Read the quotes a second time underlining important information and summarizing the main points for each paragraph in the outside margins. After marking the text you will address the following questions: 1. What are the primary differences between Hamilton and Jefferson regarding representation in government? 2. Who do you most agree with? Why?
Journal Topic: Hamilton vs. Jefferson Tasks: 1. What are the primary differences between Hamilton and Jefferson regarding representation in government? 2. Who do you most agree with? Why?
Critical Reading: “A More Perfect Union” At the Constitutional Convention compromise was the key to success. As you read this section of text underline different ideas and proposals. Also, identify the compromises that enabled the Founding fathers to ratify (get a vote of approval) the Constitution. After reading and marking the text write a ½ page response to the following question: How was compromise critical to the ratification of the Constitution.
Cornell Notes Unit: Revolution Topic: Constitution Guiding Question: How did the Founding Fathers frame the Constitution to prevent the abuse of power? Why was compromise a critical component of the ratification process?
Journal Topic: Preamble to the Constitution The Preamble to the U.S. Constitution is an introduction to the goals of government as established by the Constitution. Task: Read the Preamble to the Constitution below and list the purposes of the government in your own words.
Journal Topic: Preamble to the Constitution We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
III. Goals of Government in the U.S. as Stated in the Preamble to the Constitution 1. Form a unified government. 2. Establish Justice (fairness in treatment of citizens) 3. Insure domestic (home) tranquility (peace) 4. Provide Common Defense (military protection) 5. Promote general welfare—good quality of life 6. Ensure Liberty (freedom)
IV. Purpose of the Constitution 1. Establish the organization and powers of government in the U.S. 2. Establish the freedoms of the American People and limits of government power
V. Organization of the Federal Government A. Executive Branch –President –Carry out laws –Veto power –Negotiate Treaties –Appoint Supreme Court Justices Whitehouse
B. Legislative Branch –Congress (Senate and House of Representatives) –Law Making Body –Makes Laws –Senate Approves Presidential Appointments –Senate Approves Treaties Capitol Building
C. Judicial Branch –Supreme Court –Determine whether laws are constitutional –Appointed by the President Supreme Court
VI. Principles of the Constitution A. Federal System Government Organized with a strong central federal government and weaker state governments B. Separation of Powers Powers separated between the branches of the government—Legislative, Executive, Judicial C. Checks and Balances Each branch of government has the power to check the other branches
VII. Compromises of the Constitution A. Great Compromise –Organization and Representation in Congress Small States—One state one rep.--New Jersey Plan Large States—Rep. # based on pop.--Virginia Plan Great Compromise—Two Houses –Senate—2 per state –House of Reps.—Based on Pop.
B. 3/5 Compromise –Issue: To count slaves or not for population in determining the number of representatives to be included in the House of Representatives? –Many Northerners did not want to count any slaves –Southerners wanted to count all slaves for population –3/5 Was the final decision
C.Slave Trade Compromise --The Federal Government Could not ban the slave trade until 1808.
Journal Entry: Slavery/3/5 Compromise What is your opinion of the decision of the Northern Representatives to ratify the Constitution with the institution of slavery included? Did they do the right thing in compromising their values regarding liberty? It is highly likely that the Southern states would not have ratified the Constitution if the institution of slavery was not recognized……