An Update from the United States Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service Keith Payne Deputy Director Outreach and Partnership Division Office of Outreach, Employee Education and Training Food Safety and Inspection Service
Agenda Section Title Overview of USDA/FSIS Role of Outreach Office Investigating Foodborne Illnesses Current Initiatives and Policy Updates
Overview of USDA/FSIS Food Safety and Inspection Service
USDA Structure
FSIS Structure
FSIS’ Mission The Food Safety and Inspection Service protects consumers by ensuring that meat, poultry, and egg products are safe, wholesome, and accurately labeled.
Dedicated Workforce An inspection force of approximately 7,600 personnel deployed throughout the United States and U.S. territories Inspectors present in nearly 6,000 plants every day Inspectors present at various import stations every day
Office of Field Operations
Office of Field Operations Import Offices
Compliance and Investigations Division
Legislative Authorities Poultry Products Inspection Act Federal Meat Inspection Act Egg Products Inspection Act Humane Methods of Slaughter Act
Role of Outreach Office
OUTREACH AND PARTNERSHIP DIVISION Outreach to Small and Very Small Plants More than 90% of the approximate 6,000 plants under FSIS inspection are considered small or very small businesses.
Outreach and Partnership Division Daniel PuzoDirector Keith PayneDeputy Director Beatrice HerbertProgram Specialist Diane JonesManagement Assistant Jeff TarrantCC, Program Specialist Elaine HiteStaff Officer Robert Boyle, DVMStaff Officer Jane Johnson, DVMProgram Specialist Natasha WilliamsProgram Specialist Stephanie KaneSecretary Darlene LeeContractor Our Mission Outreach activities Resources and outreach to small and very small plants. Technical expertise, information and advice to small and very small plant owners and operators Regulations, Policies and Systems. FSIS cooperative activities with State agencies Management of the National Advisory Committee on Meat and Poultry Inspection
Food Safety Resources for Small and Very Small Plants
Small Plant News The newsletter and guidebooks are written for small and very small federal- and state-inspected establishment owners and operators who produce meat, poultry and egg products. Help, in plain language, translating FSIS rules and regulations into daily operational practices
Small Plant Help Desk Resource for small and very small plants. Call Toll-free FSISHelp ( ). USDA-FSIS specialists are available weekdays 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST to give personal assistance on matters relating to the regulation of meat, poultry, and processed egg products. Or questions to
Guidebooks Produce series of guidebooks that provide useful information on topics: Dealing with plant emergencies Developing a recall plan Obtaining a grant of inspection
Translations of Resources Resources are available in Mandarin Chinese Korean Vietnamese Spanish
Guide to Food Defense in Warehouse and Distribution Centers
Some Fiscal Year 2015 Exhibit Events EventLocation Food Safety SummitBaltimore, Maryland Southeaster Meat Processors AssociationDaytona Beach, Florida Food Marketing Institute Connect ConventionChicago, Illinois AAMP American Convention of Meat Processors and Suppliers Springfield, Illinois 119 th Annual AFDO Educational ConferenceIndianapolis, Indiana Southwest Meat Processors AssociationSan Antonio, Texas International Association for Food ProtectionPortland, Oregon
State Program Liaison
State MPI Programs
State Cooperative MPI Agreements Tallmadge-Aiken Agreements Cross Utilization Agreements Custom Exempt Agreements Egg Products Inspection Agreement Cooperative Interstate Shipment Agreements
United States Department of Agriculture Monthly State Directors Webinars
Reaching Out States and Universities Officials from other USDA agencies participate on a monthly State Directors’ webinars and HACCP Contacts’ and Coordinators’ teleconference An outreach effort to the industry Ensure industry’s ability to comply with the rule. Measures to inform industry and other interested stakeholders about the requirements of the new rule were initiated. Inform Directors of 27 State Meat and Poultry Inspection programs State HACCP Contacts and HACCP Coordinators at universities
Investigating Foodborne Illnesses
Collaboration to Investigate Foodborne Illnesses Applied Epidemiology Staff Surveillance Team Investigations Team Prevention and Control Team
Collaboration to Investigate Foodborne Illnesses Applied Epidemiology Staff Compliance and Investigations Division State/Local Public Health and Agriculture Agencies
Collaboration to Investigate Foodborne Illnesses Applied Epidemiology Staff participates in: Foodborne Disease Active Surveillance Network (FoodNet) PulseNet molecular subtyping network Environmental Health Specialists Network (EHS-Net) Foodborne Diseases Centers for Outbreak Response Enhancement (FoodCORE)
Current Initiatives and Policy Updates
USDA Initiatives Know Your Farmer Know Your Food
USDA Initiatives Know Your Farmer Know Your Food Cooperative Interstate Shipment Program
Cooperative Interstate Shipment Ohio: August 8, 2012 North Dakota: January 11, 2013 Wisconsin: January 14, 2013 Indiana: April 7, 2014
USDA Initiatives Cooperative Interstate Shipment Program
FSIS Policy Initiatives 39 Compliance Guideline April 17, Comments due by June 16, 2015
FSIS Policy Initiatives 40 For those interested in using a new technology, direct your request through askFSIS or you may contact the Risk, Innovations, and Management Division directly at: United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service Risk, Innovations, and Management Division Patriots Plaza III, Cubicle 8-163A 1400 Independence Ave., SW.: STOP 3782 Washington, DC Tel: (301) Fax: (301) askFSIS
FSIS Policy Initiatives Federal Register Notice Docket No. FSIS , “Retail Exemptions Adjusted Dollar Limitations.” $76,900 $58,200
Mandatory Inspection of Siluriformes Fish and Fish Products 42
United States Department of Agriculture 2008 Farm Bill June 18, 2008, Congress passed the 2008 Farm Bill, making “catfish”, as defined by the Secretary of Agriculture, amenable to the Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA) and therefore subject to FSIS inspection Regulations must account for the conditions under which catfish are raised and transported to the processing establishment Countries whose catfish products are imported must be listed as eligible in the regulations Mandatory ante-mortem, post-mortem, humane handling inspection, and custom exemption provisions do not apply to catfish
Threshold question for determining what fish FSIS inspects FSIS requested comment on the definition of catfish Threshold question for determining what fish FSIS inspects FSIS requested comment on the definition of catfish Definition of “Catfish”
United States Department of Agriculture Key Features of Proposed Rule New subchapter of FSIS Regulations Extensive referencing of meat inspection regulations Some proposed requirements new to catfish products industry No regulations based on FMIA provisions for ante-mortem, post-mortem inspection, custom slaughter exemptions
United States Department of Agriculture Key Features of Proposed Rule FSIS inspection based on 21 U.S.C. 606— processed products inspection— and other provisions Pre-harvest provisions Mandatory Sanitation SOPs and HACCP plans HACCP plan validation requirement Import requirements and other features similar to those for meat and meat food products
Pre-Harvest Standard and Transportation to the Processing Establishment
Labeling Requirements Proposed that general labeling requirements be the same as for other products under FMIA (Product name, brand name, ingredients, place of manufacture, etc.) Official inspection legend part of the label Safe-handling labeling for products not ready-to-eat Nutrition labeling requirements in 9 CFR 317, subpart B, apply
United States Department of Agriculture Import Requirements Requirements in 21 U.S.C. 620 and 9 CFR part 327 apply Countries and establishments become eligible to export to the U.S. following an equivalence determination process by FSIS. Foreign food regulatory systems may apply equivalent sanitary measures if those measures provide the same level of public health protection achieved by U.S. measures. FSIS uses a comprehensive system that involves document reviews, on- site audits, and port-of-entry reinspection of every shipment of product that enters the United States to verify that foreign food regulatory systems maintain equivalence.
United States Department of Agriculture Import Requirements Shipments must be presented and reinspected by FSIS at an official import inspection establishment. All shipment are reinspected for certification and label verification: Proper certification documentation Transportation damage Proper labeling General condition Box count Other types of inspection (TOIs) may include: Physical Examinations Product Examinations Laboratory Examinations Microbiological Contamination Residues Species Identification
Agricultural Act of 2014 “2014 Farm Bill” Amended the FMIA to make “all fish of the order Siluriformes” amenable to the Act Other requirements like those under the 2008 Farm Bill Requires FSIS-FDA Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to govern transition to FSIS inspection, prevent duplication of oversight— signed April 30, 2014 Final rule under review at Office of Management and Budget
QUESTIONS? Keith Payne Deputy Director, Outreach and Partnership Division Office of Outreach, Employee Education and Training Food Safety and Inspection Service United States Department of Agriculture Patriots Plaza III, 9th Floor, Room 9-258, Mailstop Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC Telephone: (202) Fax: (202)