Procedures Intermediate Format Breast Augmentation
Objectives Assess the related terminology and pathophysiology of the breast Analyze the diagnostic interventions for a patient undergoing a Plan the intraoperative course for a patient undergoing Assemble supplies, equipment, and instrumentation needed for the procedure.
Objectives Choose the appropriate patient position Identify the incision used for the procedure Analyze the procedural steps for breast augmentation Describe the care of the specimen
Terms and Definitions
Definition/Purpose of Procedure
Surgical Intervention: Special Considerations Patient Factors Room Set-up –Privacy for all patients—windows covered please
Surgical Intervention: Positioning Position during procedure Supplies and equipment Special considerations: high risk areas
Surgical Intervention: Special Considerations/Incision Special considerations State/Describe incision
Surgical Intervention: Supplies General: Basic pack, Transverse sheet, large gowns, wet prep kit, light handles, disposamag, raytex x 2 Specific –Suture: 4-0 Vicryl, 5-0 Vicryl, 5-0 Prolene; possibly 4- 0 Nylon for implant exchange –Blades: # 15 x2 –Medications on field: Bacitracin ointment; Xylocaine 1 % w/epi 30 cc; Marcaine.5 % with epi (Do not mix) –Catheters & Drains
Surgical Intervention: Supplies cont’d Dressings: 4x4s (two), 6 in ace wrap, patient’s bra
Surgical Intervention: Instruments General Specific –
Surgical Intervention: Equipment General Specific: light source for lighted retractors
Surgical Intervention: Procedure Steps
Counts Initial First closing Final closing –Sponges –Sharps
Specimen & Care Identified as Handled: usually routine
Postop Complications