ESS.VIP programme architecture Eurostat
Context : Production of European Statistics European statistical system : a complex system with many production lines (NGOs and Eurostat) Long tradition of output harmonisation (legal framework) Tradition of cooperative developments (ESSnets) ICT changes and IT rationalisation in many organisations
Drivers Burden reduction Alternative sources and data deluge Increasing demand and more complex phenomena Burden reduction Efficiency gains – Cost reduction Alternative sources and data deluge
ESS.VIP programme Transformation programme for the modernisation of the production systems in the European Statistical System (ESS) through: moving towards more common solutions and shared services and environment realising economies of scale, efficiency gains and sharing costs
Infrastructure transformation Improve communication/network among ESS partners Provide common information repositories Foster process interoperabilty Foster process agility and reuse of components
ESS.VIP Programme components Projects in statistical domains Technical cross-cutting projects Frameworks and administrative mechanisms ADMIN Information models and standards Communication NAPS Network for information exchange Governance PRIX Data warehouses Human resources ESBRs Shared services Sharing costs Financial resources SIMSTAT Legal framework ICT Programme management Common data validation policy ESTAT
Cross cutting projects Business case Business projects Cross cutting projects Capabilities ESS.VIP Reuse data Business registers Network Communication Internal trade Data warehouse – HUB Common repositories Price collections Information models and metada repositories Process interoperability Administrative sources Process efficiency ICT stats Dissemination Shared services Process agility Data Validation NA processing
Main dependencies Network DW SERV Info Model ADMIN NAPS PRIX ICT ESBRs SIMSTAT CDVP
……… Eurostat ESS DIME DG ESSC Supporting group PG Elaboration of the programme and co-ordination CG ESS.VIP Programme DIME DG Programme ownership and decision making ESSC Supporting group PG Estat Managament Board ITDG BSDG DMES DIMESA DSS RDG Cross-cutting technical projects Legal Frameworks Financial HR Business projects ESS.VIP1 ESS.VIP2 ESS.VIPn ……… AHC: PGM Coordinator Task Force ESS.VIP Programme Coordination Other DG Eurostat ESS PMO EA Standard
ESS.VIP decision principles Alignment with ESS Vision Business outcome driven Generic development Programme efficiency Programme coherence and impact management Derogation possible if migration plan
ESS.VIP business and information principles Maximum reuse of existing process components and segments. Meta data driven processes allowing adaptation/parameterisation and extension to other contexts. New business process built as a sequence of modular process steps / services. Information objects structured according to available information models and stored in corporate registries/repositories in view of reuse. Parsimonious use of confidential data and preservation of statistical confidentiality.
ESS.VIP solution and technical principles Alignment to business needs and efficiency principle. Assembling and reuse of existing generic components. Service orientation and reusability of solutions components in different context (MSs or statistical domains). Adherence to industry and open standards as available (e.g. Plug & Play) Separation of concerns is applied (OSI/Internet layers – abstraction layers ensuring loose coupling). Security incorporated in the design of all solutions
ESS.VIP programme – challenges Issues Remedies Business outcome driven strain on architectural developments governance technical architecture Shortage of resources and tension on "production" framework for priority settings Mobilisation of skills pooling of competence matrix allocation Cultural change: corporate versus local dependencies from pure development to actual enterprise transformation and value communicating coaching training Lack of full description and agreement on the "to be state" and the supporting technical architecture flexibility of programme management Federating heterogeneous architectures / infrastructure flexible federation models
ESS.VIP programme – opportunities Skills and experience in the ESS Architecture patterns in MSs Industry standards (GSBPM, GSIM, Plug & Play) Corporate infrastructures at EU level
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