Chapter 9.1 Social Stratification
the division of society into categories, ranks or classes Social Inequality: the unequal sharing of scarce resources and social rewards What criteria would you use to stratify a society in order to distribute scare resources?
The Caste System in India
Brahmans Occupations: priests, scholars
Kshatriyas Occupations: rulers, nobles, soldiers
Vaisyas Occupations: merchants, bankers, businesspeople
Sudras Occupations: laborers, artisans
Harijans Occupations: outcasts, limited to the most undesirable tasks
Stratification Theories
Functionalist Cause of Stratification needed to help society function smoothly by ensuring that specific roles are performed higher rewards guarantee that important roles that require more skill are filled Criticisms of Theory society does not provide equal access to education & jobs rewards do not always reflect the social values of roles
Conflict: Marxists Cause of Stratification the bourgeoisie exploit & control the proletariat to maintain wealth & power Criticisms of Theory fails to recognize that unequal rewards are based in part on differences in talents, skills & desires among people
American Theorists Cause of Stratification groups compete for scarce resources those with power use it to maintain their position Criticisms: See Conflict Theory
CHAPTER 9: CLASSWORK Page 212: #3-4 Page 220: #2-3 Page 227: #2-3 Page 228: #1-10 Identifying People & Ideas Page 228: #1-6 Understanding Main Ideas Page 229: #1-4 Building Social Studies Skills
Activity: Dimensions of Social Stratification in groups of 3, please complete 1 of the following activities… 1. Poster: Choose 1 of the 3 dimensions of social stratification & create a poster containing an explanation of the dimension as well as relevant illustrations & examples 2. Skit: Choose 1 of the 3 dimensions of social stratification & create a skit portraying an example of that dimension