CYPRUS-AUSTRIA JOINT COMMITTEE MEETING 6-7 October 1011 “ Collaboration between Austrian and Cypriot Organizations ” Dr Despina Martidou-Forcier Acting Director of Higher and Tertiary Education MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE CYPRUS MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE CYPRUS
Higher Education in Cyprus HE system in Cyprus is shaped by the EHEA as outlined by the Bologna Process Aim of Cyprus is to become a regional educational and research centre Strong background for a significant growth of the higher education sector HE in Cyprus consists of the universities and public and private institutions of tertiary education.
Public Universities Public universities are overseen and financed by the state They all operate under their own Laws and Regulations, which cover their establishment and operation They are autonomous and self-governed University of Cyprus started operation in 1992 Open University of Cyprus (2006) Cyprus University of Technology (2007)
Private Universities Frederick University European University - Cyprus (E.U.C.) University of Nicosia University of Neapolis The private universities offer 4-year undergraduate courses that lead to the award of Bachelors qualifications (i.e. BA, BSc) and 1-year to 2-year postgraduate programmes of study that lead to the award of Masters qualifications. They also offer PhD programmes
Public Institutions of HE They operate under the jurisdiction of the respective Ministries of the Republic and provide professional courses 1-3 years They are the following: – Higher Hotel Institute – Cyprus Forestry College – Mediterranean Institute of Management – Police Academy
Private Institutions of HE They offer a wide variety of programmes of study in professional and academic levels such as Business Studies, Engineering, Social Sciences, Languages, Education, Hotel and Tourism, Administration, Management, Graphic Design, Computer Science and others. They offer 1 to 4 years programmes of study in various fields together with a number of courses at Masters level. At present, there are thirty four private Institutions of HE
Quality Assurance The Cyprus Educational Evaluation and Accreditation Board (SEKAP) The competent authority responsible for the educational evaluation-accreditation of programmes of studies offered by PITE is the Council of Educational Evaluation – Accreditation - SEKAP Established in 1996 Independent body and member of: ENQA, INQAAHE, EUA, EURASHE The first programmes of study have been accredited by the SEKAP in January 2000 The accreditation is granted for a period of four years
Quality Assurance Evaluation Committee of Private Universities Established in 2005 for the evaluation of the applications for the establishment of Private Universities Independent body Consists of seven prominent university professors from different countries Appoints specialized Committees to evaluate the various aspects of the applications Follow up and final evaluation within 4 years
Quality Assurance The Cyprus Council for the Recognition of HE Qualifications (KYSATS). Is the NARIC of the country It gives recognition for the corresponding degrees of: – Higher Diploma – Bachellors degree – Masters Degree – PhD Degree The reference diplomas are those of the public institutions
National Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency Complying with the Bologna Process, a National Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency is in the process of being established It will carry educational evaluation for both State and Private Institutions of Tertiary Education
Challenges Expand the HE capacity to satisfy the demand for university studies Increase research activities and more importantly involve the private sector and other authorities Compete internationally by establishing centers of excellence Improve the attractiveness of HE by improving quality of education and quality of international students Unify and Reform the legal system aiming at enhancing QA, autonomy and accountability
Memorandum of Understanding Contributes to expanding and intensifying cooperation between our countries, enhancing close and friendly relations between Cyprus and Austria and promoting and encouraging cooperation in the fields of HE and research.
Memorandum of Understanding More specifically, the dynamics of the meetings of the Joint Committee helps in organizing and strengthening universities and research centers’ efforts to find ways for further collaboration and networking. The meeting brings together academics, researchers and administrative staff from the two countries and at the same time develops the chance to learn from each other and tackle challenges for further development of research in the European Union.
Objectives To assess the activities that have been developed between the Higher Education Institutions and Research Centers of the two countries over the last two years. To submit and discuss specific recommendations for strengthening cooperation between Higher Education Institutions and Research Centers of the two countries regarding research and innovation.
Objectives 3. To discuss the European Union’s policy on Higher Education and possible joint actions. 4.To present good practices and suggestions that will contribute to the organization of Cyprus European Union Presidency on matters related to Higher Education and Research.
Collaboration In the current EU context the two countries have the chance to cooperate through the European Unions’ Programs (e.g. FP7, Horizon 2020 and LLP) and tackle difficult and important challenges of higher education. It is worth to say that joint research ensures more effective use of individual talents as modern research is increasingly complex and demands an ever widening range of skills and may be a source of stimulation and creativity. Finally, supporting researchers and innovators (joint actions) in Europe lead to the production of good ideas which can reach the market and generate sustainable economic growth and new jobs.
Collaborations In a small survey with the Cyprus Universities, and Research Centers it has been found that academics and researchers of Cyprus develop routes for communication, collaboration and research with their colleagues from Austrian institutions.
Funding These actions are mainly funded by EU Programmes Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation and Leventis Foundation (Cyprus).
Areas of Collaboration environment, education, sport science, sociology, information technology, history and archeology, culture and languages, nanotechnology and nuclear physics
Institutions According to the data that has been sent to the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Cyprus Universities cooperate with University of Vienna, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austrian Research Promotion Agency, Graz University, University of Innsbruck, Vienna University of Technology, University of Salzburg, Institute of High Energy Physics, University of Leoben and Pedagogical Academy of Bundes
Thank you for your attention