True or False
A misconception is a belief, view, or opinion, usually widely-held, that is incorrect.
KWL What Misconcept ions have you been told about your period? (List as many as possible) What Misconcept ions do you want to know about? (List as many as possible) What Misconceptio ns were cleared up? (List as many as possible)
You can remain healthy and fit even when you have your menstrual period.
Menstrual cramps are because the uterus is contracting to shed the uterine lining and blood.
No, the menstrual cycle could also be affected by stress, or illnesses.
Exercising would improve blood circulation in your body. So don't skip it. If you are having heavy periods or feeling bad, go on for lighter one's.
Blood just smells like blood. If you don't change your sanitary napkins /tampons/undergarments regularly, that may cause buildup and facilitate growth of bacteria causing not only bad odor but also lead to vaginal infections
Eat whatever you like. Some say dairy products or citrus foods are bad in those days..but they have got no scientific basis.
It does. Only a healthy body can have proper interplay of hormones, which cause the menstruation.
For teens that have been menstruating for years, periods can become a regular and predicable event--but for teens who have just started menstruation, it's anything but predictable.
Most girls start to menstruate between ages 10 and 15 years. The average age is 12, but every girl's body has its own schedule.
Any girl who has her period can use a tampon. Tampons work just as well for girls who are virgins and for those who are not It does not cause a girl to lose her virginity. (Only having sex can do that.)
The opening of the cervix (located at the top of the vagina) is just too tiny for a tampon to get through. It can't travel to other parts of your body, like your stomach.
* It's very important that you change your tampon every few hours, even if your period is light. * When you keep a tampon in or pad on too long, bacteria can grow.
But for some problems, it's best to talk with the doctor. Here are some of them: * Your period lasts longer than a week. * You have to change your pad very often (soaking more than one pad every 1-2 hours). * You go longer than 3 months between periods. * You have bleeding in between periods. * You have an unusual amount of pain before or during your period. * Your periods were regular but became irregular.
L What Misconceptions were cleared up?