BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT The Adventurer Team would like to welcome you this evening. As you enter, please use the life skill of friendship by meeting and greeting others in attendance.
TEACHERS Mrs. Udovich- Math Mrs. Udovich- Math Mr. Beamon- Math Mr. Beamon- Math Mrs. Kilcoyne- Science Mrs. Kilcoyne- Science Mrs. McCormack- Social Studies Mrs. McCormack- Social Studies Ms. Baldino - Language Arts Ms. Baldino - Language Arts Mrs. King - Language Arts Mrs. King - Language Arts
LANGUAGE ARTS Ms. Baldino Mrs. King Adventurer Team
READING AND WRITING WORKSHOP The reading and writing workshop approach promotes the love of reading and writing through mini-lessons as well as responding and reflecting on independent reading. The reading and writing workshop approach promotes the love of reading and writing through mini-lessons as well as responding and reflecting on independent reading.
READING Strategies Strategies Basic Plot Diagram Basic Plot Diagram Fiction Fiction Nonfiction Nonfiction Poetry Poetry Drama Drama Book Clubs/Partnerships Book Clubs/Partnerships
Reading Logs Schoolwide Initiative Schoolwide Initiative Eight 30 minute blocks per week Eight 30 minute blocks per week Four blocks in school Four blocks in school Four blocks for homework Four blocks for homework Students must have log signed daily Students must have log signed daily
WRITING STRATEGIES The Writing Process The Writing Process Perfect Paragraph Perfect Paragraph Narrative Narrative Persuasive Persuasive Expository Expository Five Domains of Writing Five Domains of Writing
Sitton Spelling Students learn to spell within the framework of a total word-skills curriculum. Students learn to spell within the framework of a total word-skills curriculum. - Visual Skills - Spelling and Language skills - Basic Concepts - Skillful Writers - Assessment Readiness - Proofreading Skills
LANGUAGE ARTS GRADING SCALE Reading Reading Writing Writing Homework Homework Classwork Classwork
LIFE SCIENCE Mrs. Kilcoyne Adventurer Team
TOPICS OF STUDY Diversity of Life Diversity of Life -Characteristics and needs of organisms -Cells -Microscopic life forms Adaptations Adaptations Insects Insects Environmental Science -Ecosystem organization -Relationships in an ecosystem *Competition *Predation *Symbiosis
GRADE ANALYSIS Tests Tests Projects Projects Class work Class work Homework Homework Homework Policy Please check your child’s agenda daily for assignments. Science follows the RMS zero tolerance policy for assignments.
SOCIAL STUDIES Mrs. McCormack Adventurer Team
6TH GRADE CURRICULUM Ancient Civilizations Ancient Civilizations -Mesopotamia and Sumer -Egypt-China-Greece-Rome
GRADING POLICY Tests/Quizzes Tests/Quizzes Projects Projects Classwork Classwork Homework Homework
INTERDISCIPLINARY UNITS Cross curricular topics that are co-taught periodically throughout the year. Cross curricular topics that are co-taught periodically throughout the year.*Antarctica *Geography and its impact on biodiversity in an ecosystem. *Civil Rights- historical figures and their contributions to Science and humanity.
MATHEMATICS Mr. Beamon Mrs. Udovich Adventurer Team
MATH NOTEBOOK Table of Contents Table of Contents Tool Kit Tool Kit Packet Packet ACE ACE Assessment Assessment
6TH GRADE BOOKS Prime Time Prime Time Data About Us Data About Us Bits and Pieces I Bits and Pieces I Bits and Pieces II Bits and Pieces II Shapes and Designs Shapes and Designs Covering and Surround Covering and Surround Bits and Pieces III Bits and Pieces III How Likely Is It? How Likely Is It?
MATH PLUS CURRICULUM 6TH GRADE Bits and Pieces I Bits and Pieces I -Understanding fractions, decimals, and percents Bits and Pieces II Bits and Pieces II -Using fraction operations Bits and Pieces III Bits and Pieces III -Computing with decimals and percents
MATH PLUS CURRICULUM 7TH GRADE Variables and Patterns Variables and Patterns -Introducing Algebra Stretching and Shrinking Stretching and Shrinking-Similarity Comparing and Scaling Comparing and Scaling -Ratio, Proportion, and Percent Accentuate the Negative Accentuate the Negative-Integers Moving Straight Ahead Moving Straight Ahead -Linear Relationships What Do You Expect What Do You Expect-Probability
CONTACT INFO. Ridley Middle School Ridley Middle School* Homework Hotline Homework Hotline * x
CONTACT INFO. Ridley Middle School Web Site Ridley Middle School Web Site Teacher addresses Teacher addresses Teacher room numbers and subject areas Teacher room numbers and subject areas Weekly homework “hotline” update Weekly homework “hotline” update Activity calendar Activity calendar Team Handbook Team Handbook Power Point Presentation Power Point Presentation
THANK YOU We look forward to having a successful and rewarding school year.